
Unit 8 Lesson 45 China 课件(共26张PPT,内嵌音频) 2023-2024学年冀教版七年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-18 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:69次 大小:11923560Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 Lesson 45 China 学习目标 预习检测 知识梳理 课堂总结 学习 导航 重点探究 当堂检测 新课导入 What do you know about China Terra Cotta Warriors Panda West Lake Potala Palace dumplings tangyuan the Spring Festival the Mid-Autumn Festival Water Cube Bird's Nest the Great Wall the Summer Palace 1.能熟悉并能正确运用本课时的重点单词和短语 2.能掌握特殊疑问句的用法 3.能用英语简单介绍中国 预习检测 1.—What language do they —English. A.say B.speak C.sing D.shout2.— is the capital of China —It’s Beijing. A.What B.Who C.Where D.When B A 3.China’s flag five yellow stars. A.has B.have C.do D.does4.The Palace Museum is famous the world. A.on B.at C.around D.for5. Panda is and we all like it. A.lovely B.lazy C.boring D.difficult A C A 知识梳理 language /'l gw d / n.语言 flag /fl g/ n.旗帜 palace /'p l s/ n.宫殿 the Palace Museum 故宫 lovely /l vl / adj.可爱的;美丽的 探讨中国地图 Mr. Jones: This is a map of China. What do you know about China, Jenny Jenny: I know a lot about China. My friends Li Ming and Wang Mei live in China. Mr. Jones: What language do people speak in China Jenny: They speak Chinese. Mr. Jones: Good! What is the capital city of China, Jenny Jenny: Beijing. Mr. Jones: Yes! Beijing is the capital of China. What countries are east of China Do you know, Jenny Jenny: Yes, I know. Canada and the U.S. are east of China. A map of China 1 Language points 根据课文内容,与学生进行问答 T: What country is this S: It’s China.T: What’s the capital of China S: It’s Beijing. ... Group work 老师组织学生报数,两个单数的学生为一组,两个双数的学生为一组,进行角色扮演,学生A代表Mr.Jones,学生B代表Jenny A: This is a map of China. B: I know a lot about China. My friends Li Ming and Wang Mei live in China. A: What language do people speak in China B: They speak Chinese. ...... Practice 选一位同学,从语言,首都,地理位置等方面,简单介绍中国 China is in the east of Asia. The capital of China is Beijing, and the people in China speak Chinese... 活动小结 通过以上的活动,我们知道: 1._____is the capital of China; People speak 2._____in China;Canada and the U.S. are 3._____of China. Beijing Chinese east 从其他角度介绍中国 What else do you know about China 2 China's flag is red. It has five yellow stars. This is the Palace Museum. It is famous around the world. This is the Great Wall of China. It has a long history. This is a lovely panda. Pandas live in China. Read the text. T:What else do you know about China A:China's flag is red. It has five yellow stars. B:The Palace Museum and the Great Wall are famous places of interest around the world. C:Panda is the national animal of China. D:China is west of Japan. Discuss 小组内讨论:从哪些角度介绍中国 Practice 每组出一位代表,每位代表1分钟之内从国旗,风景等方面介绍中国 China's flag is red, it has five yellow stars. The Great Wall and the palace Museum of China are famous all over the world... It is a lovely animal. It lives in China. It is a wall. It i ... ...

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