

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:90次 大小:1244917Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题29 阅读理解(记叙文)-三年(2021-2023)中考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)二 专题29 阅读理解—记叙文 [2023年] (一) (2023·湖南益阳·中考真题) Our school is in the beautiful countryside near Dongting Lake. It is a tradition of our school to let students work in the fields. By doing this, we can experience the joy of farming. The class is divided into six groups. Each group member has his or her own job in the fields, such as watering plants, growing vegetables or clearing away grass and so on. We’ve planted five different kinds of food: rice, corn, tomatoes, potatoes and cabbages. The job is not easy. Each plant has its own needs. For example, cabbages need more water, and we need to clear away the grass for the corn. But when we ate our homegrown food, we felt very happy! We not only farm outside but also study in the classroom about agriculture (农业). For example, each group needs to choose a topic to research, such as “planting according to the four seasons” or “agricultural production in ancient Chinese poems”. Every two months, we can win prizes according to our team report and how the plants have grown. I really enjoy this kind of learning. I think our school tradition can make students relax and let us know more about agriculture. 1.What is a tradition of the writer’s school A.To let students work in the fields. B.To have students learn about farming at home. C.To make students have dinner together outside. 2.What may each group member do in the fields A.Plant trees. B.Sell plants. C.Grow vegetables. 3.How did the students feel when they ate their homegrown food A.Happy. B.Bad. C.Terrible. 4.How often can the students win prizes A.Every month. B.Every two months. C.Every three months. 5.What does the writer think of their school tradition A.It’s not good for the students. B.The students can learn nothing and feel tired of it. C.It can make the students relax and know more about agriculture. (二) (2023·江苏镇江·中考真题) Katie was waiting for Gulliver’s calls. Instead, she just heard sparrows making noise in the bushes. “Maybe Gulliver missed the harbour.” Dad said. After breakfast, Katie took her camera to the harbour. All the colourful boats made pretty pictures, but not the one she wanted most. Katie waved to Ernest, her uncle’s neighbour, on the boathouse. The gull’s name, Gulliver, was given by him. The gull’s size and his single leg made the bird itself different. But Ernest told Katie what Gulliver did that first summer Katie and her dad came caught everyone’s attention. Young Katie lay in her stroller (婴儿车) on the floating dock (码头) when Uncle Ralph and Dad were repairing boats nearby. The waves from the passing boat made Katie’s stroller shake strongly. “Kee-aah! Kee-aah!” Gulliver made the loudest cry. Dad and uncle rushed to Katie and stopped the stroller from falling into the water. They kept a close eye at Katie after that. Another summer Katie was three years old, she liked ... ...

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