
专项04 :阅读理解A篇3(云南专用)英语九年级上册期末专项题集(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:16次 大小:48440Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    云南省2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末复习专项题集 第二节根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) A A boy wanted to find the secret to happiness. He walked a long way and finally came to a beautiful palace. There, he found a wise man. After learning why the boy came, the wise man suggested that he should look around the palace and return in two hours. “At the same time, I want you to hold this spoon with two drops of oil,” said the wise man. “As you walk around the palace, carry this spoon without spilling(溢出) the oil”. The boy began to walk around the palace, keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. After two hours. he returned. “Well,” asked the wise man. “Did you see the beautiful paintings in the dining hall Did you see the colorful flowers in the garden ” The boy felt sorry because he saw nothing. He focused on the oil all the time. “Then go back and see the beauty of the palace,” said the wise man. This time the boy saw all of the works of art on the walls. He saw the great gardens and mountains all around him. When he returned, he described everything he saw. “But where is the oil ” asked the wise man. Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy found the oil was gone. “Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you.” said the wise man. “The secret to happiness is to see all the beauty of the world, but never forget the drops of oil on your spoon.” 31. It took the boy _____ to look around the palace the first time. A. two hours B. three hours C. four hours D. five hours 32. The underlined word “focus” means _____ in Chinese. A. 欣赏 B. 聚焦 C. 探索 D. 观察 33. Which of the following is NOT true A. The boy saw the beautiful paintings in the dining hall the first time. B. The boy could describe everything he saw the second time. C. The wise man gave the boy a piece of useful advice in the end. D. The oil was still in the spoon when the boy came back the first time. 34. The wise man gave the boy a task in order to _____. A. make him learn from his mistakes B. let the boy enjoy his palace C. teach him what the secret to happiness D. see if the boy is careful enough 35. What’s the best title for the text A. How to Prevent Oil from Spilling B. What the Boy Saw on the Way C. The Best Way to Visit a Palace D. The Secret to Happiness 【答案】31. A 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D 【导语】本文主要讲述了一个男孩寻找幸福秘诀的故事。 【31题分析】 细节理解题。根据“After two hours. he returned”可知小男孩花费了两个小时参观宫殿。故选A。 【32题分析】 词义猜测题。根据“The boy felt sorry because he saw nothing. He focused on the oil all the time”可知他什么都没看到,因为他把注意力都集中在了油上,划线部分意为“聚焦”。故选B。 【33题分析】 细节理解题。根据“Did you see the beautiful paintings in the dining hall”以及“The boy felt sorry because he saw nothing”可知这个男孩第一次在餐厅里没有看到这些美丽的画。故选A。 【34题分析】 推理判断题。根据“there is only one piece of advice I can give you...Th ... ...

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