课件网) 国际音标课程 Lesson 6 Content: 元音 [u:] [ ] 温故知新 2 3 1 4 实战演练 辅音[ ] [ ] [t ] [d ] 温故知新Step 1['w nt ][b d][t d][tra ][k ts][dr :][hats][dri m][h ndz][tr k][b 'nɑ n ][bedz]Step 2长元音[u:]书写格式口腔定位发音示例[u:]1.英语中最小的圆唇音。2.不要太用力发出,嘴唇不要用力撅高。Words[u:]ooewueoepool[pu l]boot[bu t]chew[t u ]flew[flu ]blue[blu ]glue[glu ]shoe[ u ]u_erule[ru l]June[d u n]I choose blue.[t u:z] [blu:]I choose blueshoes to take to school.[sku:l]I choose blueshoes.[ u:z]SentencesStep 2短元音[ ]书写格式口腔定位发音示例[ ]1.小圆唇,开口比[u:]稍大。2.嘴唇稍微翘起。3.与[u:]是两个不同的音,不要把u发成[u:]的短音。Words[ ]ulook [l k]hook [h k]put[p t]pull[p l]ooTake a look.[l k]Take a look at the book.[b k]SentencesTake a good look at the cook book.[g d] [k k]听音辩词:boot footgood foodbook bluetook toolpool putcook coolStep 3清辅音[ ]书写格式口腔定位发音示例[ ]1.双唇稍向前突出。2.舌尖与舌端抬向上齿龈,靠近上腭形成狭长的通、道,气流由此通过。3.发音时声带不振动。Words[ ]ssheep[ i:p]foolish['fu-l ]shsure[' ]sugar[' -g ]Sherry goesshopping.[' e-ri] [' -p ]Sherry goesshopping withShawn.[ :n]SentencesSherry goesshopping withShawn thesheep.[ i:p]Step 3浊辅音[ ]书写格式口腔定位发音示例[ ]1.双唇稍向前突出。2.舌尖与舌端抬向上齿龈,靠近上腭形成狭长的通道,气流由此通过。3.发音时声带振动。Words[ ]gedecision [ d -'s - n]television [ te-l -'v - n]garage[ɡ -'rɑ ]massage[m -'sɑ ]siscasual ['k - u l]pleasure ['ple- ]She eatsby measure.['me- ]She usually eats by measure.['ju:- u -li]SentencesShe usually eats by measure at pleasure.['ple- ]听音辩词:washwatchcasualcastlemeshmeasureflashpleasureunsure unusualshopchopStep 3清辅音[t ]书写格式口腔定位发音示例[t ]1.将嘴唇稍撅起。2.舌尖与舌端抬向上齿、龈,气流从舌齿间的缝隙冲出。3.发音时声带不振动。Words[t ]单词前chair[t e ]church[t :t ]Chill[t l]watch[w t ]kitchen ['k -t n]单词后单词中Thechip ischeap.[t p][t i p]Thechip ischerry’s.[ t e-ri]SentencesCherry’schip ischeap.Step 3浊辅音[d ]书写格式口腔定位发音示例[d ]1.将嘴唇稍撅起。2.舌尖与舌端抬向上齿龈,气流从舌齿间的缝隙冲出。3.发音时声带振动。Words[d ]dgegejjump[d mp]bridge[br d ]jeep[d i:p]judge[d d ]George[d :d ]college['k -l d ]gsuggest[s '-d est]gesture['d es-t ]Jump.[d mp]Jump,jump,jump.SentencesJump,jump,justjumpjump.[d st]听音辩词:jeepcheepchestjustcharmjamjumpchampchurchjudgebridgebranchExercise 1Step 4[t k][ i:p][t p]['k -k ][d -'s - n][t :t ][g d][br d ][ɡ -'rɑ ][f t][d st][fu d] Exercise 2 Step 4 [p t] ['k -k ] [fed] [t k] ['fi:d-b k] [ki p] [f t] [f t] The same one is: [f t] Exercise 2 Step 4 [fu d] [f t] [p t] [ v k-t ] [t k] [g d] ['fi:d-b k] [fu d] The same one is: [fu d] Exercise 3Step 4[h ][t p][t :t ][d st][ ][t ][d d ][br d ][t er ][t ]1 ... ...