
Unit 4 like music that I can dance to期末复习重点短语句型翻译练习(含答案)鲁教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:27次 大小:20590Byte 来源:二一课件通
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期末复习 单元重点短语句型翻译巩固练习 (含答案) 用所学短语或句型将下列句子翻译成英文: 1. 当你离开房间时,请关掉灯。 _____ 2. 我过去每天都吃糖果,但现在不再吃了。 _____ 3. 我希望电影有一个快乐的结局。 _____ 4. 让我们跟着音乐唱歌,一起享受乐趣。 _____ 5. 坚持你的目标并且不轻易放弃是很重要的。 _____ 6. 我喜欢在晚上听柔和的音乐。 _____ 7. 当有人情绪低落时,我们应该设法让他们振作起来。 _____ 8. 她喜欢跟着音乐跳舞,通过舞蹈表达自己。 _____ 9. 我喜欢偶尔去度假放松一下。 _____ 10. 经过漫长的一天,坐下来看电影很好。 _____ 11. 这部历史纪录片展示了过去发生的事件。 _____ 12. 澳大利亚人以友好和热情闻名。 _____ 13. 不要害怕尝试新事物,这可能是一个很好的学习经历。 _____ 14. 他更喜欢巧克力冰淇淋而不是香草味。 _____ 15. 听到悲伤的消息会让人感到更加悲伤。 _____ 16. 照顾好自己的健康,避免患上严重疾病很重要。 _____ 17. 你做得演讲非常出色,干得好! _____ 18. 那首歌是我听过的最感人的音乐之一。 _____ 19. 班上总共有50名学生。 _____ 20. 他们决定在交往多年后结婚。 _____ 21. 这个关于爱与牺牲的感人故事打动了人们的心。 _____ 22. 她在弹钢琴方面没有太多经验,但她渴望学习。 _____ 参考答案 1. Please shut off the lights when you leave the room. 2. I used to eat candy every day, but not anymore. 3. I hope the movie has a happy ending. 4. Let's sing along with the music and have fun. 5. It's important to stick to your goals and not give up easily. 6. I enjoy listening to smooth music in the evening. 7. When someone is feeling down, we should try to cheer them up. 8. She loves to dance to music and express herself through movement. 9. I like to go on vacation once in a while to relax. 10. After a long day, it's nice to sit back and watch a movie. 11. The historical documentary showed events that happened in the past. 12. Australians are known for their friendly and welcoming nature. 13. Don't be afraid of trying new things. It can be a great learning experience. 14. He preferred chocolate ice cream over vanilla. 15. Hearing sad news can make someone feel even sadder. 16. It's important to take care of your health to avoid developing a serious illness. 17. You did an excellent job on your presentation. Well done! 18. That song is one of the most moving pieces of music I've ever heard. 19. In total, there were 50 students in the class. 20. They decided to get married after being in a relationship for many years. 21. The touching story of love and sacrifice touched the hearts of people. 22. She doesn't have much experience in playing the piano, but she's eager to learn.

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