

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:50次 大小:1440511Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2023-2024 学年度第一学期期末质量监测 八年级英语参考答案及评分说明 第一部分:听力测试(共 30 分, 每小题 1 分;) 1-5: ABCCB; 6-10:BCABA; 11-25: ACB, BCA, CCC, ABC, BBC; 26-30: BCACB; 第二部分:笔试(共 90 分) 五、单项选择 共 10 分, 每小题 1分。 1-10 CDACD, ABABD; 六、完形填空 共 10 分, 每小题 1分。 11-20 CBABD, CCDDA; 七、阅读理解 共 20 分, 每小题 2分。 21-30 ACBDB, BADBA; 八、情景交际 共 10 分, 每小题 1分。 31-40 CDAEG, GABDE; 九、单词填空 共 10 分, 每小题 1分。 41. true P101 42. lentP63 43. enoughP21 44. feverP27 45. scientistP3 46. friendshipP59 47. languagesP97 48. inventedP13 49. cultureP69 50. protectingP85 十、完成句子 共 10 分, 每空 0.5分。 51. pass me 52. funnier than 53. How are 54. How often 55. What, doing 56. talk with 57. take/accept/follow, advice/suggestion 58. thousands of 59. agree with 60. look up/look for/search for/find out 十一、综合填空 共 10 分, 每空 1分。 61. on 62. chatting 63. online 64. myself 65. However 66. provided 67. instruments 68. an 69. pleasant/pleasing 70. hobbies 十二、书面表达 共 10 分。教师评卷时,应采用分项分档次的办法,先依据评分标准给出每 项的档次分,然后相加。 附:评分细则 分 档次 评分项目 给分说明 (抄写无关原文得 0 分) 值 好 中 差 书写规范 2 2 1 0 标点及大小写错误 0~1个属好,2~4个属中,5 个以上属差。 短文长度 1 1 0 0 80个单词以上属好,41-80 个以下属中,40 个以下属差。 要点齐全 3 3 2 1 每个要点 1分, 允许合理想象。 句子通顺 4 4 2 0 单词及语法错误 0~1个属好, 2~4个属中, 5个以上属差。 语言准确 One possible version: (88 words) Dear Mike, I had a busy day last Sunday. At 6:30 a.m., I was having breakfast with my parents at home. Mother made it and it was delicious. Then, in the morning, I was reading Chinese poems and English stories with my classmate. Sometimes we played games. At about 11:30, my family were having lunch together. In the afternoon, I was playing basketball with my friends. After supper, I was listening to soft music at 8:00 p.m. Last Sunday was a busy but happy day. I like it very much. Yours, Weiwei 八年级英语答案 第 1 页(共一页) 2023—2024 学年度第一学期期末质量监测 八年级英语试题卷 (考试范围至仁爱英语八年级上册) 温馨提示: 1.本试卷分试题卷(共 8 页)和答题卷(2 页),含听力测试和笔试两个部分;满分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟。 2.同学们答题前,先将自己所在学校、姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卷指定的位 置,同时认真阅读答题卷上的注意事项。答题时,请按照题号顺序在答题卷上各题的答题区域 内作答,写在试题卷上无效。 第一部分 听 力 测 试(共 30分) 一、情景反应 听下面五个句子,从 A、B、C三个选项中,选择正确的应答语。每个句 子听两遍。(5分) 1. A. Playing Ping-pong. B. Light blue. C. The earthquake. 2. A. Wait there, please. B. Hold the line, please. C. Yes, you must. 3. A. I agree with you. B. Here you are. C. It sounds wonderful. 4. A. I don’t like fruits. B. I prefer the forests. C. Both. 5. A. Glad to hear that. B. Yes, I think so. C. That must be fun. 二、听对话选图 听下面五段短对话,每段对话后有一个问题。根据对话内容从 A、B、 C三个选项中,找出能回答所提问题的图片。每段对话听两遍。 (5 ... ...

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