

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:89次 大小:379323Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    万全区2023—2024学年度第一学期八年级期末考试 英 语 试 题 答 案 Ⅰ.单项选择(共 10 小题 ,每小题 1 分,计 10 分 ) 1-5 CABDB 6-10 BABCB II.完形填空(共 10 小题 ,每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 11-15 BCDCD 16-20 BBCDD III.阅读理解(共 20小题 ,每小题 2 分,计 40 分) 21-25 ABBDC 26-30 ADDBC 31-35 CBDCA 36-40 DDCBD IV. 任务型阅读 (共 5小题,每小题 2分,共 10 分) 41. You should help him or her a lot in the future. 42. We should let them know our thanks with actions, not just words. 43. Because we learn the importance of being kind. 44. We should thank our parents. 45.他们教给我们许多东西,但是他们不求回报。 V.词语运用 (共 10 小题 ,每小题 1 分, 计 10 分) 46.themselves 47.an 48.were 49.usually 50.to 51.taking 52.and 53.interested 54.books 55. more VI. 基础写作( 包括 A , B 两部分, A 部分 5 分 , B 部分 15 分, 共 20 分) A.连词成句(5 分)凡语序与答案相符,首字母不大写的等错误,酌情 扣分. 56.We are both outgoing. 57.How often do you have acting lessons 58.He has to go to the doctor. 59.Where will she learn English 60.Tom wants to be an engineer. B. 书面表达 (15 分) ,仅供参考 My name is Li Hua. The new year is coming. Here are my resolutions. First, to get good grades, I am going to study harder than last term in my subjects, such as English, Chinese and so on. Second, to keep healthy, I am going to do more exercise to make my body strong. I will run for twenty minutes every morning. I will eat more vegetables and less meat. Third, to make more friends, I plan to join some clubs and go to parties. That's so great. I think I am going to be a good student next year. Do you have new resolutions What are they Let’s make progress together. 作文评分标准 一档 13-15分,包含了所有要点,能围绕内容要点适当发挥;应用了较 丰富的语言结构和词汇,用词准确,句子通顺,行文连贯,表达清晰;没有 或几乎没有语言错误 二档 10-12分,基本包含了所有要点,并有一定发挥; 应用的语言结构 和词汇能满足任务的要求, 句子较通顺, 表达较清晰;有少量语言错 误 三档 7-9分,包含了多数要点,并有发挥,字数较少;句子不够通顺,语言 表达过于简单, 行文表达不够连贯;有部分语言错误 四档 4-6分,只包含了少数要点,内容过少;句子无条理,语言不规范,行 文不连贯;有部分语言错误 五档 0-3分,只包含一个要点或所写内容几乎与要求无关,内容杂乱; 语言很不通顺,用词很不准确;错误过多,几乎难以读懂 相同错误不重复计算评分标准 总分 总分人 万全区 2023—2024学年度第一学期学业水平测试 八年级英语试题 题 号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ 得 分 评卷人 Ⅰ、单项选择(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分 ) ( ) 1. Larry hopes_____ his English, so he practices it every day. A. to solve B. solving C. to improve D. improving ( ) 2. Can you_____ to my birthday party_____ Friday evening A. come; on B. come; in C. come; at D. to come; on ( ) 3. He is busy_____ for the sports meeting. A. prepare B. preparing C. to prepare D. prepared ( ) 4. I’m not sure how_____ to the party. A. goes B. going C. go D. to go ( ) 5. Lisa looks like her sister Lucy and I can’t tell the_____ between them. A. problem B. differences C. taste D. interest ( ) 6. —_____ do you go home —In two weeks. A. How B. Ho ... ...

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