

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:75次 大小:43976Byte 来源:二一课件通
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名词—语法知识梳理 专项集训及解析【中考英语】 知识梳理 可数名词复数变化 a) 一般情况下词尾直接加-s,比如book-books, apple-apples b) 以s, x, sh, ch结尾的名词,通常词尾加-es,比如:bus-buses, boxes c) 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,将y改为i再加-es,比如:city-cities d) 以o结尾的名词,有些词尾加-es,有些加-s。中学阶段所学的结尾加-es的主要有以下几个:tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, hero-heroes, Negro-Negroes. e) 以f或者fe结尾的名词,有些在词尾加-s,有些将f/fe改为v后再加-es。我们所见到的改f/fe为v加-es的主要有以下单词: wife( wives ), life( lives ), knife( knives ), half( halves ), self( selves ), shelf( shelves ), wolf( wolves ) 妻子(wife)拿刀(knife)去宰狼(wolf), 小偷(thief)吓得着了慌, 躲进架子(shelf)保己(self)命(life) , 半(half)片树叶((leaf)遮目光 f) 某些名词的单复数是一样的,这类名词不多,主要有: sheep, fish, deer, Chinese, Japanese, people 常见国家人的复数形式: 国家人 单数 复数 中国人 a Chinese Chinese 日本人 a Japanese Japanese 英国人 an Englishman Englishmen 美国人 an American Americans 加拿大人 a Canadian Canadians 法国人 a Frenchman Frenchmen 澳大利亚人 an Australian Australians 俄国人 a Russian Russians 印度人 an Indian Indians 德国人 a German Germans 意大利人 an Italian Italians g) 有些名词单数变复数时,没有一定的规则的,需要特别记忆: man-men woman-women child-children tooth-teeth foot-feet mouse-mice h) man, woman作定语修饰别的名词时,要把man , woman和其他部分都变成复数。 如: men doctors, women teachers i ) ch读/k/时,其复数形式应加s 如: stomachs(胃,腹部) j) 既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,但意义不同: room(空间)—rooms(房间) work(工作)—works(著作) glass(玻璃)—glasses(眼镜) time(时间)—-times(倍数,次数,时代) paper(纸)—papers(试卷,证件,报纸) fruit(水果)—fruits(各种水果) drink(饮料)—drinks(各种饮料) 名词的双重所有格:of+名词所有格 如:a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 专项集训 一、单项选择 1.Yesterday two _____ asked me to show them the way to Shanghai Museum. A.woman tourists B.women tourist C.woman tourist D.women tourists 2.Children’s Day is on _____ 1st. All of the children in China like this festival. A.June B.July C.September D.October 3.—Is this _____ English dictionary —No, _____ is on the desk. A.Grace; her B.Grace; hers C.Grace’s; her D.Grace’s; hers 4.He is Jack Smith. His first name is _____. A.Jack B.Smith C.Jack Smith D.Smith Jack 5.Look! Some _____ is in the bag and some _____ are in the basket A.bread; chicken B.vegetable; bread C.bananas; apples D.bread; strawberries 6.—Excuse me. Are you Jim Brown —No, my name is John Brown. My _____ name is John A.first B.last C.middle 7.We need _____ to make fruit salad. A.two cup of yogurt B.two cup of yogurts C.two cups yogurt D.two cups of yogurt 8.I don’t think _____ should be allowed to get their ears pierced. A.twelve-year-olds B.twelve-year-old C.twelve year olds D.twelve years old 二、完成句子 9.his, black, the, plane, is, model (. ) . 10.have, nice, we, Chinese, a, teacher . 11.go, Mike, the, Tom, to, ... ...

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