
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Be sporty,be healthy Extended reading课件(共53张ppt)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:55次 大小:148087077Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Extended Reading Sports idioms Unit 2 Sports culture Appreciation Appreciation Appreciation Appreciation Love me, love my dog. A slow sparrow should make an early start. White night. Rob Peter to pay Paul. Sit on the fence. Masterpiece. 爱我,爱我的狗? 慢麻雀先开始? 白夜? 抢皮特付给保罗? 坐在栅栏上? 大师? Love me, love my dog. A slow sparrow should make an early start. White night. Rob Peter to pay Paul. Sit on the fence. Masterpiece. 爱屋及乌。 笨鸟先飞。 不眠之夜。 拆东墙补西墙。 脚踏两只船。中立 拿手好戏,杰作。 idioms What is IDIOM Definition An idiom is a group of words that have a different meaning when used together from the one they would have if you took the meaning of each word separately. 习语 Lead-in Quiz about sports idioms Lead-in Quiz about sports idioms Key: 1. keep your eye on the ball; 2. saved by the bell; 3. to win hands down. Sports idioms Reading Listen and fill in the blanks. 点击添加标题 点击添加标题 There are lots of sports idioms that have found their way into everyday language. move the goalposts; score an own goal below the belt; throw in the towel in the ballpark; a ballpark estimate; throw someone a curveball; three strikes and you are out Careful Reading Part. Ⅰ: Introduction What are the definition and function of idioms move the goalposts eg. 这个保险推销员每次即将达成他的年度销售目标时,公司总是抬高任务标准。 The company tends to move the goalposts every time the insurance salesman is about to reach his annual sales target. If someone “moves the goalposts” in life, it means they _____ _____. Part II: Main body Implications of sports idioms unfairly change the rules or requirements for something 改变规则 score an own goal If someone _____ _____, they are said to have scored an own goal. makes a bad mistake which unintentionally harms their own interests eg. 这项政策的效果完全适得其反。地方议会真是进了一记乌龙球! The policy backfired terribly. The local council really scored an own goal! Part II: Main body Implications of sports idioms 进乌龙球 in the ballpark / a ballpark estimate People use the expression “in the ballpark” or “a ballpark estimate” to talk about _____. eg. 能给我一个大致的估算吗? Could you give me a ballpark estimate rough estimates Part II: Main body Implications of sports idioms 大致估计 throw someone a curveball eg. 在我们野餐时,天公不作美。于是,我们只能急匆匆躲进屋里。 The weather threw a curveball at our picnic. As a result, we had to move indoors in a hurry. People use the expression to describe things that _____ _____. are unexpected and difficult to respond to or handle Part II: Main body Implications of sports idioms 给某人出难题 Three strikes and you are out. The idiom is often used to talk about situations where _____ _____. people fail after wasting three chances eg. 根据 “三振出局法”,第三次暴力犯罪的人将会被判刑20年以上。 According to Three Strikes Law, those who commit a third violent crime will be se ... ...

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