

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:61次 大小:43307Byte 来源:二一课件通
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动词 —语法知识梳理 专项集训及解析【中考英语 仁爱版】 知识梳理  一定要记牢动词的现在分词,过去式,过去分词。比如:catch 的过去式和过去分词(caught,caught) 你可能就不知道吧 痛下决心,好好记一记吧。先讲系动词。   系动词:大概是最简单的动词了。你只需注意的是系动词除了be的形式之外,还有become,get,grow,turn,sound,look,smell,taste等,它们不能单独作谓语,必须和作表语的词语(如形容词, 名词等) 连用, 所以用的时候,可要小心为是呀!如:It smells delicious.(它闻起来味道很美)。delicious 是形容词,不是副词。   情态动词:首先要记住情态动词后必跟动词原形。   must的意思是"应当,必须",侧重于说话者的主观看法,没有时态变化,其否定式是mustn't,在"Must I(we) ...."的疑问句中,须注意的是其否定回答常用needn't。如:Must I go (我一定要走吗 ) No,you needn't.(不,不必。)   need意为"需要"。既可作实义动词,又可作情态动词,因此在用法上需要注意。作实义动词时,need后跟名词,动名词,或不定式。如:I need to go. (我得走了。) 作情态动词时,后跟动词原形。如:You needn't come tomorrow if you are busy. (如果你忙,明天就不必来了。)   实意动词:我们跑(run),我们跳(jump),我们笑(laugh),这些都得用实意动词来表达。我们一起来看一看一些特殊的词吧。它们在接动名词和不定式时意义有所不同。   stop:这个词让好多同学大伤了一番脑筋,到底什么时候加to do,什么时候加   doing 呢 两者意义又有什么不同呢 OK, Come with me. 看下面两个句子。   When the teacher came in, they stopped to read.   When the teacher came in, they stopped talking.   第一句的意思是"当老师进来时,他们停下来开始读书"。而第二句的意思是 "老师进来时,他们停止了说话"。所以stop to do sth表示"停止正在做的事情去干另一件事"。而stop doing表示"中断正在做的某事"。   forget,remember,regret 这三个词用法基本相同,只要记住+doing 表示"事情已经做过",+to do表示"事情还未做"就可以了。   感官动词:see,watch, notice,look at,hear,listen to,smell,taste,feel 等 +do 表示动作的完整性,真实性 +doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性。如:I saw him work in the garden yesterday. 昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调"我看见了"这个事实) I saw him working in the garden yesterday.(强调"我见他正干活"这个动作)昨天我见他正在花园里干活。 专项集训 一、单项选择 1.—Do you know the answer to the question —It _____ be “A”, but I’m not sure. A.should B.might C.must 2.The sign means that we _____ walk there. A.must B.can’t C.might 3.—Look! A set of keys _____ in your pencil box. —Yes, some pens _____ in it, too. A.is; is B.are; is C.is; are D.are; are 4.—_____ you have a basketball —No, I don’t. But my friend _____ one. A.Are, has B.Do, have C.Do, has D.Are, have 5._____ Bob’s birthday on Monday A.Is B.Are C.Does D.Do 6.—Listen! Somebody is singing in the room. —It _____ be my sister. There will be a singing competition in her school next week. A.shall B.might C.must D.can’t 7.—Mom, must I finish washing all the shoes today —_____. You can wash some pairs tomorrow. A.Yes, you must B.No, you mustn’t C.No, you needn’t D.Yes, you can 8.—_____ they go to the talent show —No, they’re not free. They _____ have to ... ...

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