ID: 19045347

Module 10 Unit 2 She's got an orange sweater. 教案(含反思)

日期:2024-10-11 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:78次 大小:14088B 来源:二一课件通
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外研版三年级下册英语Module 10 《Unit 2 She's got an orange sweater.》教案 一、教材分析: 本课教材为外研版三年级下册Module 10《Unit 2 She's got an orange sweater.》。该课程主要围绕着描述人物所穿衣物展开,通过引入新单词和句型,帮助学生学习如何用英语描述衣物。 二、教学目标: 1. 掌握并运用单词 white,photo,skirt。 2. 运用句型 He’s/She’s got…和 Has he/she got… 谈论衣物。 3. 培养学生珍惜美好生活的意识。 三、教学重点和难点: 教学重点是让学生能够运用句型 He’s/She’s got…和 Has he/she got… 来谈论衣物。教学难点是帮助学生理解并正确运用这些句型。 四、学情分析: 学生是三年级的学生,他们已经学习过一些基本的英语知识,包括一些动词、名词和形容词。他们对于简单的句子结构已经有了一定的掌握。然而,他们可能还不太熟悉描述衣物的单词和句型。因此,在教学过程中需要注重激发学生的学习兴趣,并通过多种形式的实践活动来巩固所学知识。 五、教学过程: Step 1: Warm-up 1. Greet the students and ask them how they are feeling today. For example, "Good morning, class! How are you all feeling today Are you excited to learn about clothes " 2. Show the students some pictures of different clothes and ask them to name the items. Hold up flashcards or display images of clothes on the board. Point to each picture and ask the students, "What is this " Encourage them to answer using complete sentences, such as "It's a hat" or "It's a shirt." 3. Play a quick game of "Simon Says" using clothes-related actions. Give instructions to the students, such as "Simon says, touch your hat" or "Simon says, pretend to put on a jacket." Make sure to include both the names of the clothes and the corresponding actions. Step 2: Presentation 1. Introduce the new words "white," "photo," and "skirt" using flashcards or real objects. Show the flashcards or bring in real objects representing each word. For example, hold up a white piece of paper or a white shirt for the word "white." Repeat the words several times, emphasizing the pronunciation. 2. Teach the sentence patterns "He’s/She’s got a white T-shirt" and "Has he/she got a skirt " using gestures and simple examples. Use gestures to demonstrate the meanings of the sentence patterns. For the first pattern, point to yourself and say, "I've got a white T-shirt." Then, point to a student and say, "He/She's got a white T-shirt." For the second pattern, point to a student and ask, "Has he/she got a skirt " Encourage the students to respond using the sentence pattern. 3. Model the pronunciation and have the students repeat after you. Say the sentence patterns slowly and clearly, emphasizing the correct intonation. Then, have the students repeat each sentence pattern after you, ensuring they pronounce the words correctly. Step 3: Practice 1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Assign each group a letter (e.g., Group A, Group B). 2. Give each group a set of picture cards showing different clothes. Provide each group with a set of flashcards or printed pictures of various clothes items. 3. Have the students take turns asking and answering questions usi ... ...

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