
Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 3 Language in use素养提升练习(含解析)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:23次 大小:23416Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 3 Language in use 基础过关全练 Ⅰ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.【人与自我·学校生活】你最好先和你的老师沟通一下。(E8207001)             with your teacher first. 2.【比较思维】比起钓鱼,我哥哥更喜欢爬山,所以他经常去爬山。(E8207001) My elder brother     climbing     fishing, so he often goes climbing. 3.【新独家原创】成功不仅仅在于你做了什么。你没有做什么也同样重要。 Success doesn't only        what you do. What you don't do is equally important. 4.毕业后别忘了和你的老师和同学保持联系。 Don't forget to                your teachers and classmates after you graduate. 5.【探教材·P58】你会爱上来洛杉矶了解美国文化,同时又提高你的英语水平。(E8207001) You will love coming to Los Angeles to learn about American culture and improve your English                . 6.【新素材·特种兵式旅游】如果你想低价游览更多地方,你可以考虑特种兵式旅游。             to visit more places at low prices, you can consider special forces-style travel. Ⅱ.短文填空 【人与社会·语言与文化】 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。 good, or, pronunciation, interest, able, repeat, watch, activity, mistake, attention You may feel nervous when your new foreign language class meets the first day. The teacher is speaking in a new language, writing new words on the blackboard, and stressing(强调)  7 . With these simple tips, you will be  8 to learn a lot from your language class. Pay much 9 during the first new weeks of an introductory(入门的) language class. Without it, you can't learn the language well. Take part in all class 10 . Although sometimes they may seem boring. Answering your teacher's questions,  11 sentences, or doing role-plays are all great chances to practice skills in the new language. By taking part in more and not being afraid to make some  12 , you will begin to feel more comfortable when you speak the language. Review(复习) every day. Daily review for 15~30 minutes will be 13 for you and save your time as you prepare for exams. Some schools have foreign language tables where many people meet during lunch  14 dinner. You can practice the new language with students, teachers, and others who are 15 in the language. Read, speak and listen to the language in many ways. You can 16 TV programs and movies in foreign languages. Listening to songs and reading the newspaper are also good ways to learn foreign languages. Have fun with the language, and practice, practice, practice! 7.    8.    9.    10.    11.    12.    13.    14.    15.    16.    能力提升全练 Ⅲ.单项选择 17.【人与自我·自我管理】(2023天津南开区期末, 24,★)As a middle school student, you should learn to depend     yourself. A.of   B.with   C.on   D.for 18.【推断思维】(2023河北中考,33,★)Hurry up,     you will miss the beginning of the concert. A.so   B.or   C.and   D.but 19.(2023天津中考,33,★)You should turn off the lights     you leave the ... ...

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