
Unit 9 What does he look like?单元知识点总结

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:77次 大小:17426Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024学年人教版七年级英语下册Unit9单元知识点总结 本单元重点短语的具体用法 1. look like:看起来像。例如:He looks like a doctor.(他看起来像个医生。) 2. short/long/curly/straight hair:短/长/卷/直发。例如:She has long straight hair.(她有一头长直发。) 3. medium height:中等身高。例如:He is of medium height.(他中等身高。) 4. medium build:中等身材。例如:She has a medium build.(她中等身材。) 5. be a little late:有点儿晚。例如:I'm a little late for school today.(我今天上学有点儿晚。) 6. wear glasses:戴眼镜。例如:He always wears glasses.(他总是戴眼镜。) 7. See you later then.:那么回头见。这是一个常见的告别语,用于表示在不久的将来会再次见面。例如:I'll see you later then.(那么我们待会儿见。) 8. a big nose:一个大鼻子。例如:He has a big nose.(他有一个大鼻子。) 9. a small mouth:一个小嘴巴。例如:She has a small mouth.(她有一个小嘴巴。) 10. big eyes:大眼睛。例如:She has big eyes.(她有一双大眼睛。) 11. blonde hair:金黄色的头发。例如:Her blonde hair shines in the sun.(她的金黄色头发在阳光下闪耀。) 12. a long face:一个长脸。例如:He has a long face.(他有一个长脸。) 13. have an interesting job:有一份有趣的工作。例如:I want to have an interesting job like yours.(我想有一份像你这样有趣的工作。) 14. police artist:警局绘画师。例如:The police artist is very good at drawing.(那位警局绘画师很擅长画画。) 15. draw a picture of the criminal:画一个罪犯的画像。例如:The police asked the artist to draw a picture of the criminal.(警察要求艺术家画一张罪犯的画像。) 16. in newspapers:在报纸上。例如:The news is in the newspapers.(这条新闻在报纸上。) 17. on television = on TV:在电视上。例如:The show is on television every weekend.(这个节目每个周末在电视上播出。) 18. each criminal:每个罪犯。例如:The police are looking for each criminal.(警察正在寻找每个罪犯。) 19. describe the same person differently:不同地描述同一个人。例如:People describe the same person differently.(人们对同一个人的描述各不相同。) 20. real criminal:真正的罪犯。例如:The police are trying to find the real criminal.(警察正在努力寻找真正的罪犯。) 21. in the end:最后。例如:In the end, they found the solution.(最后,他们找到了答案。) 22. first of all:首先;第一。例如:First of all, let me introduce myself.(首先,让我自我介绍一下。) 23. wear jeans:穿牛仔裤。例如:She usually wears jeans to school.(她通常穿牛仔裤去上学。) 24. wear sports shoes:穿运动鞋。例如:I like to wear sports shoes for exercise.(我喜欢穿运动鞋锻炼。) 25. have (has) straight brown hair:有一头直棕色的头发。例如:She has straight brown hair.(她有一头直棕色的头发。) 26. be short/tall:矮/高的。例如:He is tall and thin.(他又高又瘦。) 本单元重点句子 1.I may be a little late. 我或许要晚一会儿。 2. He isn’t tall or short. 他个头既不髙也不矮。 3.--What does he look like 他长什么样? --He\'s really tall.他长得确实高。 4. --What does she look like 她长什么样? --She has long straight hair.她留着长直发。 5. --What do they look like 他们长什么样? --They’re of medium buil ... ...

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