
2024年人教版英语中考一轮复习写作指导 话题6 成长变化

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:99次 大小:24855Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年人教版英语中考一轮复习写作指导 话题6 成长变化 话题项目 1.个人背景;7.情感与情绪;8.人际交往 教材链接 九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 词句技能磨炼  一、短语集锦 1.过去常常 2.与……交谈 3.对……有更好的理解 4.天生具有 5.从……中学习 6.在……方面犯错误 7.反复地 8.公开地 9.为……感到骄傲 10.在过去的几年里 11.渴望;渴求 12.信任;信赖 13.保持冷静 14.对……负责 15.回忆;回顾 16.弄得一团糟 17.全身心投入 二、句式练习(用所给句子结构造句) 1.I have changed… 2.I was used to be…, but now I am… 3.I thank my teachers and classmates very much, because they encouraged me to… 4.I learned much from the experience. After that, I am not…any more. 5.We must be responsible for… 6.I began to believe that nothing is impossible if you… 三、合扩升技能训练 1.I joined the art club. I was very happy to make more friends in the club.(用 where引导的定语从句合句) 合: 2.Sometimes I laughed at Tom. He didn’t say any bad words about me. (用 although合句) 合: 3.I used to be short, but now I am tall. (用比较级扩句) 扩: 4.After that, I am not shy. (用 not…any longer扩句) 扩: 5.She was selfish. (用实例扩句) 扩: 6.I try to be a better person.(用 make every effort to…升句) 升: 7.I have made progress in math. (用 with the help of升句) 升: 四、美句储备 1.Think twice before you run.三思而后行。 2.The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 3.No pain, no gain.没有付出就没有收获。 4.Time and tide wait no man.时不待我。 5.A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。 6.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.世上无难事,只怕有心人。 实战演练  亲爱的同学们,转眼间,初中三年时光已经接近尾声。这三年的生活和学习,充实又忙碌。你的身体和心智都有了很大的变化。请讲述这三年来你的变化,并写一个让你收获成长的小故事。 要求:1.80~120词; 2.文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。 提示:1.你的变化; 2.你收获成长的小故事; 3.感悟…… Looking back to the past three years, each of us has had great changes. 【演练技巧】 一、审 审主题 审文体 审人称 审时态 二、列(结构、内容) Para.1 Beginning 变化 ①study②body③ Para.2 Body Para.3 Ending 感悟、打算 ①be a life-long learner②helpful ③ 成果精练  及格篇(三档) Looking back to the past three years, each of us has had great changes. I used to be shy and short, but now I am outgoing and tall. Two years ago, I often failed in the English test, but now I make great progress in English and I am good at it. The most change is that I am willing to help others. Before I didn’t like to help other classmates. When they asked me for help, I often refused. It was a rainy day, and it rained hard. So my clothes and shoes were wet. I felt very bad. One of my classmates came to me and gave his clothes to me. I was moved. Then, I began to help others. I learned that we can’t think about ourselves and we should help others. 升阶篇(四档、五档范例) Looking back to the past three years, each of us has had great changes. I used to be short and thin, but now I’m tall and strong. Two years ago, I often failed in the English test. However, I didn’t give up. I told my ... ...

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