
Unit 6 Role Models Lesson 17 People in Our Lives教案2023-2024学年北师大版英语九年级全一册

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:85次 大小:154818Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 Lesson 17 教学目标 1.提高听力技能,有:获取对话的主要内容、获取具体细节,尤其是确定说话人观点的听力技巧。方法是听说话人如何谈论这个人的动作并尽量记下关键单词或词组。 2.在复述上节课对话的基础上,介绍自己的榜样及其成为榜样的原因。 核心素养 实践创新 1.劳动意识:用自己的语言讲述榜样的品质并举例支持自己的观点。 2.技术运用:树立在身边人身上发现榜样品质,并逐渐培养在自身发展榜样品质的意识。 教学重难点 介绍自己的榜样及其成为榜样的原因。 教学过程 一、导入新课 Qian Xueseng invent things creative Lei Feng help others caring Ren ChangXia work hard hard-working Guo Mingyi donate blood kind-hearted caring They are different, but they have one thing in common: They have a good influence on us. 二、新课讲解 My role models are my parents. Your turn Wang Jingjing is my role model. Because she is helpful and hard-working. she has helped a lot of classmates . Role-play In groups, role-play interviews like Bella,Adam and Lily. 1.Who is your role model 2.Why 3.What has he /she done Group work Work in groups. Discuss what good role models should be like. e.g. I think good role models should be hard-working. Who What is he/she like What does he/she do (actions) Bella caring 1.allows me to do anything 2.has the same interests and shares the books with me 3.supports me when I have difficulties Adam active 1.enjoys the outdoor activities 2.teaches piano lesson to children 3.spends much time doing volunteer work Lily organised, honest, excellent 1.does everything according to a plan. 2.never tells a lie. 3.never looks down on anyone. Example: A: Who is your role model B: … A: What is he like B:... A: Why do you think he/she is your role model B: Circle the best words to describe the three role models based on your key words. friend, allow me to do anything I like, gives me the support I need, … Bella’s Dad is active / organised / caring. young at heart, active, feel young, love for life… Ms Li is active / organised / caring. does everything according to a plan, honest, … Jack is active / organised / caring. Work in groups. Who impressed(给人印象)you most Why 2. What do you learn from them Share your ideas within groups. Elect(选择)a member to share your ideas in class. 三、作业 1. 听录音跟读演讲3遍。 2. 以“My Role Model in My Life”为题完成一篇演讲稿。

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