ID: 19449091

冀教版八年级下册Unit 2 Plant a Plant Lesson 8教案(表格式)

日期:2024-12-27 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:69次 大小:23428B 来源:二一课件通
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英语八年级备课组教学设计 课题: Lesson 8 Why Are Plants Important 使用时间: 课标学习: 进入21世纪,信息技术在英语教学中的使用已经比较普及,音频、视频等多媒体的运用以及网络资源都为英语教学提供了诸多便利,但也带来了一些问题。比如,教师的教学过度依赖PPT,缺乏对多媒体如何有效服务英语教学的深度思考,课本“搬家”、练习讲解、答案检查等多媒体功能限制了教师与学生之间的真实互动和有意义的交流。因此,“教学建议”提出,教师要充分认识到现代信息技术不仅为英语教学提供了多模态的手段、平台和空间,还提供了丰富的资源与跨时空的语言学习和使用机会,对创设良好学习情境、促进教育理念更新和教学方式变革具有重要支撑作用。 教材分析: Lesson 8 Why Are Plants Important 是冀教版英语八年级下册第二单元的第二课时,本单元的主题是保护环境,文章以对话的方式谈论植树,通过对文本的学习,了解基本句式,掌握重点知识点:pleasant, shade, fulfill, basic, soil, so many, in the shade, over there, in many ways, take energy from..., be made from, carry away, look beautiful, in a word等,与学生的实际生活贴近,学生能通过目标语言在实际生活中谈论植树话题。 学情分析: 八年级学生已经在低年级时对植树的表达有所了解和学习,大部分学生对表达植树的词汇已经掌握;通过学本教学理念的实施,学生自学、互学、展学的学习方法和思维逐步形成,能够在认真自学、互助互学、倾听展学中解决各自存在的基本问题,学习能力有所提升。 学习目标: 1.Master new words 、 phrases and sentences:hole; large;root; seedling; cover; fill;storm;dirty pleasant, shade, fulfill, basic, soil, so many, in the shade, over there, in many ways, take energy from..., be made from, carry away, look beautiful, in a word 评估任务 1.Task 1(ppt5),Task2(ppt6/7), 2.Task3(ppt15/16/17) 学习重点: pleasant, shade, fulfill, basic, soil, so many, in the shade, over there, in many ways, take energy from..., be made from, carry away, look beautiful, in a word, carry away, look beautiful, in a word 学习难点: be made from与be made of 教学过程: 一、教学导入 Look at the picture and answer the question. Which season is your favourite Why 二次备课 二、教学过程 第一学程: Task1:New words learning It is pleasant to walk in the forest. You can sit in the shade under a tree. They help us fulfill our basic needs. Plants cover the soil 学法指导 Step1:lead students look at the pictures and try to read and remember the new words by themselves. Step2:Let students read the sentences and try to translate them.Call some good students to help someone in trouble. Step3:Let students read after the teachers,and the teacher explain some key points that students couldn’t understand by themselves. Step4:Check new words and play a game.Students choose a Chinese meaning,then read and spell the English word. 设计意图 Let students know and learn the new words by show some pictures and real scene.Students can use the new words easily. 第二学程: Reading Task 2:Read the lesson and tick the items mentioned. People can eat plants or use them as medicine. 2.The plants cover the soil and can stop the dust. When the weather is sunny and hot, people can sit in the shade under a tree. The plants make every ... ...

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