
04 完形填空(上海卷)2017-2022年六年英语高考真题+两年模拟题分类汇编(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:100次 大小:932181Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 专题04 完形填空(原卷版) 高考英语真题全收录(上海专用) 2022年7月高考真题 Ill. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. A filler word is an apparently meaningless word, phrase, or sound that marks a pause or hesitation in speech. Also known as a pause filler or hesitation form. Some of the common filler words in English are um, uh, er, ah, like, okay, right, and you know. Although filler words“may have fairly minimal lexical(词汇的) content,”notes linguist Barbara A. Fox,“they can play a strategic syntactic(句法的)role in a(n)(41)_____conversation”.What appears be a filler word may also be a holophrase(整句字)(42)_____the context.“Hey , hey, shh, shh, e on. Be sensitive to the fact that other people are not comfortable.talking about emotional (43)_____.Um, you know, I am, I'm fine with that, but. ...other people” “Modern linguists led by Leonard Bloomfield in 1933 call these " hesitation forms’ --the sounds of stammering ( uh), stuttering ( um, um) throat-clearing ( ahem!), stalling ( well,um, that is), interjected when the speaker is searching words or (44)_____for the next thought.” You know that y' know is among the most common of these (45)_____forms. Its meaning is not the imperious 'you understand’ or even the old interrogatory “ do you get it' It is given as, and taken to be, merely a filler phrase , (46)_____to fill a beat in the flow of sound, not unlike like, in its new sense of, like, a filler word. .. These staples of modern filler communication--I mean, y'know, like--can also be used as“tee-up words’. In olden times, pointer phrases or tee-up words were get this, would you of these rib-nudging phrases was--are you believe and are you ready The (47)_____ready--to make the point, to focus the listener's attention on what was to follow... If the(48)_____is to tee up a point, we should accept y ' know and its friends as a mildly (49)_____spoken punctuation, the articulated colon ( 冒号) that signals “ focus on this’.... If the purpose is to grab a moment to think, we should allow ourselves to wonder : to Why are filler phrases needed at all What (50)_____the speaker to fill the moment of silence with any sound at all Why do some people fill the air with non-words and sounds For some, it is a sign of nervousness; they fear silence and experience speaker (51)_____.Recent research Columbia University suggests another reason. Columbia psychologists guessed that speakers fill, pauses when (52)_____for the next word. To investigate this (53 )_____they counted the use of filler words used by lecturers in biology , chemistry , and mathematics , when the subject matter uses scientific definitions that limit the variety of word choice (54)_____ to the speaker. They then compared the number of filler words used by teachers in English, art ... ...

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