
译林版(2020)必修第二册Unit 2 Be sporty, be healthy Extended reading课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:52次 大小:5290852Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Be sporty, be healthy Extended reading Finding a balance: my tai chi experience Unit 1 Words time interest time interest time interest time interest A B C D Choose the one which best describes the change in the author’s attitudes. 1. Scanning amazed hesitant in the first few classes after learning the basics my love for tai chi returned bored satisfied interest time 1. Scanning Essence of tai chi Root C_____ (1) Forwards & _____ (4) Up & _____ (5) Left & _____ (6) Breathing in & _____ (7) K_____ (8) … … … Y__ (2) Y___ (3) hinese philosophy in ang backwards down right eep balance Scanning breathing out Compare and figure out the similarity. White crane spreading its wings Golden rooter standing on one leg Parting the wild horse mane Grasping sparrow tail They both use the moves to keep balance. Reading 1.Which one is NOT the style developed after Chen-style of tai chi A.Yang-style. B.Wu-style. C.Sun-style. D.Zhang-style. Careful Reading 2.How was tai chi invented A.Zhang Sanfeng invented it after he fought with a snake and a bird. B.Chen Wangting invented it after imitating animals. C.Zhang Sanfeng drew inspiration from a fight between a snake and a bird. D.Chen Wangting based it on martial arts skills. √ 3.How did the writer feel after learning the basics of tai chi for the first few classes A.Relaxed and peaceful. B.Bored and muscle aches. C.Amazed and inspired. D.Confident and happier. √ 4.Which one is RIGHT about Chinese philosophy of yin and yang A.They are the equal and opposite forces that make up the world. B.Neither of them can exist independent of the other. C.There is no shadow without light. D.All of the above. √ 5.What about the writer’s attitude towards practising tai chi in the passage A.The writer is against it. B.The writer is in favour of it. C.The writer does not state any personal opinion about it. D.The writer shows no interest in it. √ 返 回 Finding a balance: my tai chi experience 找到平衡:我的太极拳体验 When my friend first suggested that we join the new Tai Chi Club at school, I hesitated. 一开始,当朋友建议我们参加学校新成立的太极拳俱乐部时,我犹豫了。 I always believed tai chi was for old people. 我过去一直觉得太极拳是老年人的运动。 After the first class, however, I had to admit that I had been wrong about tai chi. 不过,上完第一节课后,我不得不承认,我之前对太极拳的认识是错误的。 hesitate. vi/vt. 犹豫hesitation. n. 犹豫 hesitate to do sth. 做某事有顾虑without hesitation毫不犹豫地 admit. vi/vt. 承认,准许进入admission. n. 承认,准许加入,入场费 be admitted to/into 被…录取admit doing sth. 承认做过某事 It was amazing! One year later, I can honestly say it has had a huge effect on me physically and mentally. 太极拳实在是太神奇了!一年后,我确实可以说太极拳对我的身心都产生了巨大的影响。 Just as importantly, practising tai chi has inspired me to explore the Chinese culture behind it. 同样重要的是,练习太极拳还激励了我去探索其背后的中国文化。 in ... ...

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