

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:83次 大小:12471212Byte 来源:二一课件通
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台州市2024年九年级教学质量评估试题 英语 亲爱的考生: 欢迎参加考试!请你认真审题,仔细答题,发挥最佳水平。答题时,请注意以下几点: 1,全卷共10页。满分120分。考试时间100分钟。 2.答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上,写在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。 3.答题前,请认真阅读答题纸上的“注意事项”,按规定答题。 卷 说明:本卷共四大题,50小题,满分75分。 第一部分↓ 听力部分 一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题1.5分:共计20分) 第一节:听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。 1.How is the weather today A.Rainy. B.Cloudy. C.Sunny. 2.When did Lisa come to China A.In2001, B.In2008. C.In2018. 3.What is the woman's favorite fruit A.Apples B.Bananas. C.Oranges. 4.Who played the violin at the art festival A.Joe. B.Sara. C.Ella. 5.Where are the two speakers A.At home. B.At school. C.At a shop. 第二节:听较长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。 听下面一段较长对话,回答第6~7两个小题。 6.How often does Jenny practice dancing A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week. 7.What does the boy like doing A.Dancing B.Playing tennis. C.Swimming. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第8~10三个小题。 8.How long will the speakers stay in Hangzhou A.For one week. B.For two weeks. C.For three weeks. 台州市九年级英语试题卷第1页共10页 9.Which place will the speakers visit on the third day A.The West Lake. B.Hangzhou Museum. C.Lingyin Temple, 10.What does Sam think of the high-speed railway A.Convenient. B.Comfortable. C.Fast. 第三节:听独白,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。 11.Why is National Volunteer Week held every April A.To train new volunteers. B.To provide jobs for volunteers. C.To thank volunteers for their help 12.What does the first tip tell you to do A.Start slowly. B.Choose a partner. C.Take part in training. 13.What kind of partner is advised to choose A.A partner of the same age. B.A partner with the same ideas. C.A partner with the same interests. 14.How can an experienced partner help you in volunteering A.Build confidence. B.Stop feeling stressed. C.Get used to volunteer work quickly. 15.How many tips are mentioned A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. 第二部分笔试部分 二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Every Saturday,Bibi hung out at her grandma's laundry and dry-cleaning store.Bibi loved being with her grandma but she wanted to do more than just 16 and read. Bibi had an idea to write down what people brought and put a number on it.Being too short. she couldn't 17 certain tasks.But she still wanted to help. 台州市九年级英语试题卷第2页共10页 ... ...

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