

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:28次 大小:159342Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高中英语高考题型天天练(六) (时间:35分钟) 一.阅读理解 A There are many online and in-person courses promising to teach a “native accent”. But is it really necessary to sound exactly like a native speaker? Some experts say it is not. Eusebia V. Mont leads the Accent Modification(修正) Program at the University of Maryland’s Department of Hearing & Speech Sciences. Mont talked about it to reporters. Students come to the program for one or two school terms. They meet in a group for 90 minutes a week. Each student meets with one other student and a “doctor” for more individual work. Altogether the program amounts to about 60 hours of learning in class. Mont says the rate of progress absolutely depends on the type of accent it is, how long they’ve been speaking English and how often they speak English. Mont says, “I view accent as the spread of culture; the spread of a person’s individual identity — and I don’t work to remove any part of culture from an individual.” Students will most probably work in English-speaking environments when they leave school. The program teaches them tools for this. For example, they learn how to give an “elevator pitch” — a short description of an idea — and how to discuss their research. They also practice interviewing and giving presentations at work. Mont says that there are a few methods for modifying accent, but most have the same basis. One method is called the Compton Method. Arthur J. Compton developed the method for English learners who know English vocabulary and grammar fairly well. It begins with a test to find out how the student’s native language affects different areas of pronunciation. Then learners use practice materials to record their own voice and compare their pronunciation attempts to recordings of a native speaker. Another method is the Tomatis Method, which uses special headphones and includes listening to electronically modified voices and asks students to find the difference between their pronunciation and the voices they hear. This method is also used to cure children who have mental conditions that can cause difficulty in language learning. Mont’s final advice to English learners is not to expect to sound exactly like a native speaker. And remember: even native English speakers do not all speak alike! 41. According to the passage, the Accent Modification Program_____. A. is meant to help students get rid of their accent B. divides students into different classes based on their abilities C. offers students a total of 90 minutes’ study over one or two school terms D. instructs students how to communicate in English-speaking environments 42. What does the underlined part “elevator pitch” mean in paragraph 4? A. Discussing one’s research in brief. B. Giving presentations in a small space. C. Getting an idea across to others efficiently. D. Practicing interviewing skills in an elevator. 43. Both of the Compton Method and the Tomatis Method _____. A. require students to take ... ...

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