
新人教版必修三语境识词Unit 5 The Value of Money(背诵版+练习版)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:47次 大小:3843567Byte 来源:二一课件通
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新人教·必次修三 Unit 5 背诵版() Elaine英语 默号重点单词ne英语 Is money the basis of a happy life Should we judge people on the 1. a女.古典 basis of how much money they have Here's a scene from the 的;经典的 play The Million Pound Bank Note.I love a wide range of plays, . n. 嘻哈音 乐; 嘻哈文化 including operas and musicals.I once played the role of a dinosaur in 3. n. 灵魂; a play and received many hugs from the audience.This time I'd like 心灵 to be a narrator and tell the story in a narration pattern.I am willing 4. n. 机会; to apologise to you if I leave out any plots or elements of the story. 时机 Two brothers named Roderick and Oliver made a bet on what would 5. Prep.(朝) 同 happen if a penniless man was given a million pound bank note. 6. n. 演播 They saw by accident a young man in rags wondering near their 室;(音乐的)录音棚,工作 house,so they asked the servant to call him in.They thought he was 室 the right sort of man they wanted.The young man had been caught in 7. ad.普通 a storm at sea and spotted by a ship sailing to Britain.As a matter of 的; 平凡的 8 vt.证晌; fact,he was a businessman who worked for a mining company in 展现 America.In London he had nowhere to go but to the consulate to ask 9. vt.授予 the ambassador for help,but he failed and didn't dare to try n.奖品 again.The brothers asked him so many odd questions that he seemed 10. n.现象 to lose patience.To be honest,he was so 1. --n.能源; 能量;精力→ hungry indeed and ought to be on his way.Just as he was about ad.有活力的,精力旺盛的 to leave,the two brothers stopped him and gave him a large envelope 12. ad.很接 in case he needed it in the future.They asked him to promise 近的;虚拟的; 事吴上的 to postpone opening it until 7 o'clock. adw.事昊上j 冥质上 13. n. 成分; 金钱是幸福生活的基础吗?我们应该根据人们有多少钱来评价他们吗?这是戏刷 (音乐、艺术、 诗歌的)作品 《百万英膀》中的一场。我喜欢各种各样的戏刷,包括歌刷和音乐刷。我曾经在一出戏 vt.构成;作曲 里扮演恐龙的角色,得到弓许多观众的拥抱。这次我想当一名叙述者,用叙述的方式讲 n.T作曲者; 述这个故事。故事情节或要点若有遗痛,我乐意道款。罗德里克和奥利弗两兄弟打赌, 作曲家 妙果一个身无分文的人得到一张00万英膀的钞票,会发生什4事。他们偶然看到一个 衣移褴褛的年轻人在他们家附近徘回,于是让T仆人把他叫ㄋ进来。他们认为他就是他们 14. vi.&vt.表 想要的那种人选。祁个年轻人花海上遇到ㄋ风暴,被一醙驶往英国的轮船发现乃。事 演;履行;执行 上,他是为美国矿业公司工作的一位商人。在伦敦,他无处可去,只能到领事馆同大使 耒演;演 求助,但失败ㄋ,不敢再试。%弟两问ㄋ他许多奇怪的问题,他以乎失去耐心。老 技;耒现→ --. 说,他确冥大饿乃,应该上路乃。就在他正要离开时,兄弟两拦庄他,给乃他一个大信 表演者;演 封,以防他将来之需。他们要求他许诺菲迟到两点才把信封打开。 laine英语 Elaine英语 ... ...

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