
Unit 4 I like music that I can dance to综合素质评价(含解析)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:73次 大小:973824Byte 来源:二一课件通
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鲁教版(五四制)英语九年级上册Unit 4 综合素质评价 (限时:100分钟 满分:90分) 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分35 分) 第一节(共15 小题;每小题2 分, 满分30 分) 阅读下列短文, 从短文后每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。 A Favorite Genre, by GenerationData based on percentage of each generation that reported the genre as their favorite. Young Millennials Older Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers Greatest Generation ... ... ... ... ... Hip-Hop/Rap Rock Rock Rock Country 19.67% 19.41% 26.14% 27.44% 30% Are our beliefs and values influenced by musical choices Percentage based on respondents who said that music influenced their beliefs and values. ( )1. What kind of music is Americans’ favorite A. Rock. B. Classical. C. Electronic. D. Country. ( )2. _____ can be mostly influenced by their musical choices. A. Baby Boomers B. Young Millennials C. Gen X D. Greatest Generation ( )3. Where can we most probably read the above material A. From a tour guide. B. In an instruction book. C. From a survey report. D. On television. B The word “zhiyin”, which means close friends, comes from the story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi in the Warring States Period. Boya was good at playing the guqin. One day, he was playing music on his way home on the boat. To Boya’s surprise, Ziqi, a woodcutter who happened to pass by, could understand exactly what he wanted to express through his music. After a long talk, they became good friends. Since Boya had to return to his state, they agreed to meet again in the following year. Unfortunately, when getting back to visit Ziqi, Boya heard that his friend had died of a disease. Boya was so sad and in front of Ziqi’s tomb (墓), he played again the music he had played when they first met. The feeling of the music was so strong that it was as if the rivers and the mountains were crying. When finishing playing, Boya broke his guqin into pieces. From then on Boya never played again. People in the Song Dynasty built the Guqin Tai in Hanyang in memory of the deep friendship between Boya and Ziqi. It became an important part of the local culture. Zhiyin culture has new development in the new period. The famous ancient Chinese classical music piece Gaoshan Liushui was performed during the G20 Summit in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in 2016 and the recent visit of the French president in Guangzhou, 2023. The musical per formance ▲ showed the beauty of traditional Chinese culture, ▲ expressed China’s willingness to develop its friendship with people from around the world. ( )4. (新考法|写作手法) The underlined sentence in Par agraph 3 uses the r hetorical device (修辞手法) of _____. A. simile (明喻) B. metaphor (暗喻) C. personification (拟人) D. parallelism (排比) ( )5. (新考法|单词回填) Which of the conjunctions (连词) can be put in the ▲ in Paragraph 5 A. not ... but B. not only ... but also C. neither ... nor D. either ... or ( )6. What’s the main idea of the last par agraph A. Zhiyin culture has new development in the new per iod. B. ... ...

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