
Module 10 Photos Unit 2课堂学案 2022-2023学年外研版七年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:92次 大小:61082Byte 来源:二一课件通
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M10 Spring Festival Unit 2 My mother’s cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck. Class_____ Name_____ Number_____ Lesson Type: Reading Teaching Aims Language competence: Learn about the customs of Chinese Spring Festival after reading the passage; know how to use present continuous tense to describe the ongoing actions; have a better understanding of the key phrases and words like happen, sweep away bad luck, celebrate...with, traditional, etc. Thinking quality think about the meaning and importance of Spring Festival to people Cultural Awareness 1)through the reading and writing activities, have a deeper understanding of Spring Festival culture Learning Ability 1)use pictures to help explore the reading passage; 2)use structure map to organize the structure of the passage; try to work with group members Teaching Procedures Step 1 Lead in and Warming up Talk about red packets and know the class rules and topic of the calss; Enjoy a video about Spring Festival and have a brainstorm Step 2 Pre-reading Describe one moment of Spring Festival you like best! Use present continuous tense to describe three pictures from the reading passage. Step 3 While-reading Fast Reading: Finish Activity 1 in the book. Let’s divide the passage into two parts. Think: Can we change the order(n.顺序) of paragraph A, B and C Careful Reading: Let’s finish the structure map of the passage. Think: What other parts can you add into this passage Please give an ending to the passage. Step 4 Post-reading Think: What’s the meaning of Spring Festival Group work: Let’s finish a students script———Me and My Spring Festival. Students Script———Me and My Spring Festival Class_____ Group_____ Your understanding of Spring Festival: _____ Write down one scene(n. 场景)of Spring Festival to show your understanding of the festival: Scene of Spring Festival: Step 5 Homework Write a letter back to Jack from Britain and introduce Chinses Spring Festival to him. Dear students from Class 8, I’m very glad to write this letter to you. Next year, I will go to China to study and I 'm really excited about that. However, I know little about China. At the moment, we are celebrating Christmas, the most important festival in my country. I learn that you also have this kind of festival like us. Is it the Spring Festival I really want to know about it. Can you tell me something about it Love from, Jack

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