Teacher Analysis on Learners Junior high students have mastered the basic knowledge in English and are eager to learn some new knowledge. The topic of this module is about people’s past life. Such topic is related to people and society and can easily arise their learning interest, according to the character of students in Grade One. Analysis On the Teaching Material Teaching Content Some key words and phrases:born, village,town,strict, friendly, nice, good, difficult,primary,primary school. Some sentences: Where were you born I was born...... What+be+sb like He/She/They was/were+表示性格、品质的词. Was/Were...... Yes,...was/were. No,...wasn't/weren't. Teaching Aims Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to master the key words and phrases,like:born, village,town,strict, friendly, nice, good, difficult,primary,primary school. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to master the key sentences: Where were you born I was born...... What+be+sb like He/She/They was/were+表示性格、品质的词. Was/Were...... Yes,...was/were. No,...wasn't/weren't. Abilities: Students can apply the listening tips to catch the information about past life,it includes the past tense of “be”(was/were). Students can ask and answer the questions about past life. Emotion: Cultivate students’ love for their hometown according to the description of hometown. Important Points 1.To master the key words and phrases. 2.To master the sentence pattern of past tense “be”. Difficult Points Introduce their own past life using the sentence pattern which includes “was/were”. Teaching Methods Students-centered method Communicative teaching method Task-based language teaching method PWP Teaching Aids blackboard, chalk, multi-media、flash card Teaching Procedures Students’ Activities Purpose Step 1 Warming up 1.Warming- up Greet to students. 2. Leading-in. Listen to the song“seven years”to lead in the past tense. 1.activate the classroom’s atmosphere. 2.Prepare for learning the past tense. ( Step 2 New lessons teaching ) Pre-listening: Presentation of key words and sentences: 1.teach the new words: born,village,town,strict,friendly,nice,good,difficult,primary,primary school. 2. teach the sentence structures: Where were you born I was born...... What+be+sb like He/She/They was/were+表示性格、品质的词. Was/Were...... Yes,...was/were. No,...wasn't/weren't. While-listening: 1.Extensive listening: What are they talking about A. Their past life. B. Their past school. C. Their past friends. 2.Careful listening Listen and underline Listen and complete Lingling was born in a small _____. Tony was born in a small _____.Tony's first school was Darwin _____ School. His first _____ was Mrs. Lane. She was _____ but nice. Lingling's was Ms Yao. She was _____. Tony's first friends _____ Adam and Becky. Becky was _____ in class, but Adam was _____. Watch and Read Look at the pictures and answer teacher’s questions. They can answer all together, or a group, or one by on ... ...
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