
外研版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought Usinglanguage(2):Listening 课件(共15张PPT,内镶嵌音频)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:32次 大小:27997122Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Using language(2):Listening Unit 1 Food for thought By the end of this period, you will be able to: get the main idea of the conversation; acquire the specific information; act out the conversation to persuade a customer to buy a new mixed fruit drink. Pre-listening The sugar in soft drinks forms acid and attacks our teeth for about 20 minutes each time we drink them. About 30% of the world’s population is overweight. Did you know We all like delicious food. If you want to keep healthy, what will you eat Delicious food or healthy food While-listening Task 1: Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. 1.Where does the conversation probably take place A. In a restaurant. B. In a hotel. C. In a supermarket. 2.What does the man do A. A doctor. B. A waiter. C. A secretary. 3.What kind of food does Janet prefer to eat A. Colourful food. B. Healthy food. C. Sweet food. √ √ √ Task 2: Listen to the conversation and tick the food and drinks ordered. √ √ Task 3: Listen again and complete the notes. Food and drinks Janet wants to order Harriet’s views salad with dressing a lot of sugar, 1._____ and unhealthy 2._____ fruit juice just a small 3._____ of real fruit in it has as much sugar as 4._____ fat-free yogurt a lot of sugar to improve the 5._____, which can be 6._____ fat chemicals amount soft drinks taste harmful Task 4: Listen again and fill in the blanks. Pay attention to the sentences giving opinions and the communicative wording of the waiter. Waiter: Are you ready to order Janet: Yes. I’m trying to eat more healthily, so I’ll just have a salad to start. Waiter: Sure. _____dressing _____on that Janet: I’d like to have... Harriet: [interrupting]_____, Janet. Salad with dressing always has a lot of sugar and fat, as well as unhealthy chemicals. Janet: Oh, dear, maybe I won’t have any dressing, then. Waiter: OK. _____ anything to drink We have soft drinks, juice, tea and coffee. Janet: The juice must be healthy. It comes from food, right I think I’ll have that. Harriet: Don’t be so sure! _____a lot of fruit juice only has a small amount of real fruit It mainly contains chemicals that taste like fruit. Even 100% fruit juice can have as much sugar as soft drinks. Did you know that What kind of would you like Not a good idea Do you want Janet: Er...Maybe I’ll just have some water, then. Waiter: Fine. _____dessert Janet: Do you have fat-free yoghurt Harriet:[interrupting]Sorry, _____ fat-free yoghurt, Janet. Yoghurt tastes very bad without fat. That’s why they add a lot of sugar to make it taste better. And you know sugar can be harmful if you eat too much. Janet: Oh, I see. Thanks for the advice, Harriet...I’ll have a salad with no dressing and a glass of water. And I won’t have dessert. Waiter: No problem. And, for you, madam _____ Harriet: Oh, I’ll have a double hamburger with French fries and a cola. Janet: What Harriet: Aha...Just joking. I’ll have ... ...

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