
冀教版七年级下册Unit 6 Seasons Lesson 32 I Can't Wait for Winter!课件(共18张PPT+2音频)

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    (课件网) Lesson 32: I Can’t Wait for Winter! Unit 6 Seasons 单词: research, website, hill, ice, snowman, clear 短语: wait for, do some research, get...together 句型 (1) Winter is my favourite season. (2) Start your day on the ski hills or go ice skating. (3) You can even get the family together and make a snowman. (4) I can’t wait for winter. (5) I’m going to have a great time! 能运用所学知识描述冬天的天气和人们的活动。 1 2 Learning Goals Free Talk What's the weather like What are they doing New words and expressions. research website hill ice snowman clear v.&n. 研究,调查 n. 网站 n. 山丘,小山 n. 冰 n. 雪人 adj. 晴朗的,明亮的,清澈的 [r s t ] [ websa t] [h l] [a s] [ sn m n] [kl r] Jenny: Hey, Danny! What are you doing Danny: I’m doing some research for my report about my favourite season. I'm going to talk about winter. Winter is your favourite season. Look at this website: Come and enjoy a true Canadian winter out in the mountains. Start your day on the ski hills or go ice skating. But don't forget your scarves, hats and gloves. Why Winters here are really cold! Presentation Have lunch in our world- class restaurant and then go back outside for a snowball fight. You can even get the family together and make a snowman. In the evening, you can join us inside for dinner. Winter is the best season! Enjoy a clear, cold night beside a warm fire. Hope to see you there! Presentation Presentation Wow! That looks really good, Danny. Look at that picture! What a cold, snowy day! It's amazing! I can't wait for winter. I'm going to have a great time! Language points research n. & v. 研究;调查 ※ Hawking researched how the universe began and how it ends. 霍金研究了宇宙是如何开始和结束的。 【注意】(1) research作名词时,可与不定冠词连用,也可以用复数形式,但通常不与many或数字连用。 Language points research n. & v. 研究;调查 ※ To get more information, let’s do some research for our report. 为了得到更多信息,咱们为报告做一些研究吧。 (2)research后常跟介词on、into或for。 ※ These photos are valuable for further research into space. 这些资料对进一步研究太空很有价值。 2. forget v. 忘记 【常用短语】 forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(表示事情并没有做) forget doing sth. 忘了做过某事(表示事情已经做过了,只是忘记了)。 ※ I forgot to lock the door.我忘了锁门。(门还没有锁) ※ I forgot locking the door .我忘了已经锁门了。(门已经锁了) 【反义词】remember 记得 注意:remember的用法与forget的用法一致。 3. wait v. 等待,等候 【常用短语】 wait for sb./sth. 等候某人或某物 wait for sb. to do sth. 等待某人做某事 can’t wait for sth. 对某事物迫不及待 can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事 ※ We are waiting for my mother. 我们在等我的妈妈。 ※ I can’t wait to eat. 我迫不及待想吃饭。 1. What winter activities does the website mention Read the lesson and make a list. Then write a sentence about each activity on the list. Let’s do it! 1. skiing→In winter, I can go skiing on the snow. 2._____→_____ 3._____→_____ __ ... ...

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