
2024年中考英语二轮复习讲练测(全国通用)专题05 构词法(讲练)(原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:90次 大小:294904Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    专题05 构词法 词类的构成考点主要分布在语法填空中,懂得词类的构成对我们平时学习英语帮助极大。 1. (江苏泰州)Beijing, the capital of China, is world’s _____ (one) city to host Olympic Games twice. 【答案】first 【解析】句意:中国首都北京是世界上第一个两次举办奥运会的城市。根据“city to host Olympic Games twice”可知,此处是指第一个两次举办奥运会的城市,表示顺序用序数词first“第一”。故填first。 2. (江苏泰州)With the _____ (develop) of the society, more and more people devote their energy to charity. 【答案】development 【解析】句意:随着社会的发展,越来越多的人将精力投入到慈善事业中。空格位于“the”和“of”之间,用名词形式development“发展”,固定短语with the development of“随着……的发展”。故填development。 3. (2023·江苏泰州)Audiobooks(有声读物) are so welcome that the number of the listeners is increasing _____ (rapid). 【答案】rapidly 【解析】句意:有声读物是如此受欢迎,听众的数量正在增加。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式,故填rapidly。 (2023·深圳一模) How much do you know about Wushu Wushu, also known as martial arts, is one of the earliest ___36___ (sport) in China. It uses both body and brain. What’s more, Wushu is an outstanding example of ___37___ (tradition) Chinese culture. It can explain ___38___ Chinese people understand the world. Over its long history, Wushu ___39___ (develop) into a special unity of exercise, self-protection and art. As a sport and ___40___ artistic form, Wushu wins great popularity in China. In Shenzhen, some schools have Wushu classes for kids. Every training ___41___ (require) students to take it seriously. Only by training hard can they build up ___42___ (they) bodies and meet the challenges in the future. As a competitive sport with great fitness value, Wushu has spread ___43___ (wide) across the world. Bruce Lee helped make Wushu world-famous. Thanks to him, the word “kung fu” appeared in many foreign language dictionaries. Many Chinese have set up Wushu schools outside China, providing people ___44___ the chance to experience the fantastic sport. During the Hangzhou Asian Games in 2023, more people were able ___45___ (enjoy) the beauty of Wushu. 【答案】36. sports 37. traditional 38. how 39. has developed 40. an 41. requires 42. their 43. widely 44. with 45. to enjoy 37题和43题都是词形变化题 37.句意:更重要 的是,武术是中国传统文化的杰出代表。此处修饰名词短语Chinese culture,用形容词traditional“传统的”,作定语。故填traditional。 43.句意:武术作为一项极具健身价值的竞技体育项目,在世界范围内广泛传播。此处修饰动词has spread,用副词形式。故填widely。 (一)合成法 由两个或多个单词连在一起合成一个新词,这种构词法叫作合成法,合成的词叫作合成词。初中阶段最常见的合成词是名词,如: homework作业 notebook笔记本 schoolbag书包 basketball篮球 football足球 playground操场 birthday生日 postcard明信片 weekend周末 bathroom浴室 bedroom卧室 classroom教室 fireman消防员 policeman警察 postman邮递员 rainbow彩虹 spaceship宇宙飞船 spacesuit宇航服 snowman雪人 gentleman绅士 其他常用的合成词: everyday每天的 hard-working努力 ... ...

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