
2024届高考 英语 二轮复习 阅读理解 模拟训练(含解析)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:80次 大小:36104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Passage 1 By the time I took Kicker home, I was living in a van(小型货车), so he was thrown into van life from day one. At this point, I knew how to make him an outgoing and adaptable dog, and my life was far more adventurous than it had been... Right out of the gate, I took him to ski touring, which is a lot like cross-country skiing but in wilder terrain. At first, Kicker would just stay nestled(依偎) in my jacket, but as he got stronger, he would run on his own for a little while before I carried him again. We also went on some winter camping adventures in the high peaks of the Uinta Mountains, and we tried snowkiting. He ran around while I skied. He learned to kiteboard. One time he vomited(呕吐) all over the new cushions on my bed. Boy, did that stay smelly for days! Still, living in a van with a dog was great. With each new day, he got stronger and more independent. I had dreamed of visiting Alaska since I was a child, so being able to share that trip with Kicker felt incredible. There’s something to be said for shared experiences and how they help develop a strong bond. Together we kayaked, snowmobiled, and even ended up exploring deep blue ice caves in Worthington Glacier. Kicker learned to come snowboarding with me in the mountains of Alaska. He would hike part of the way, and I would carry him the rest. I would always let him run next to me as I boarded, but I usually ended up putting him on my shoulders for the rest of the ride down—he had grown far too big to fit in my jacket. Having a dog has been one of the most rewarding things in my life. For me, it’s about the time spent together exploring, sharing experiences, working through challenging situations, snuggling, and ultimately taking care of one another. 1What was Kicker like when he was first taken home by the author A.Sick and pitiful. B.Small and weak. C.Happy and active. D.Outgoing and adventurous. 2Why was the incident of Kicker’s vomiting mentioned in paragraph 3 A.To illustrate how hard life is in a van. B.To indicate that raising Kicker was not all roses. C.To show the importance of taking good care of a pet. D.To warn us of the trouble a pet can bring to us on a trip. 3What is paragraph 4 mainly about A.What tricks Kicker learned in Alaska. B.What great experiences the author had. C.How the author realized his childhood dream. D.How much the author enjoyed Kicker's company. 4What is special about the author’s relationship with Kicker A.They bond through shared adventures. B.They help each other to become stronger. C.They bond through giving each other rewards. D.They depend on each other in life’s hardest times. Passage 2 Accompanied by typical Jin opera music, a red-faced performer with a long beard showed up at the hall of a high school in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. All the students in the hall stood up and craned(伸长) their necks to get a better look. In their eyes, Jin opera was something from the past. They are not alone. It goes without saying that kids nowada ... ...

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