
Unit 3 My day Period 3教学设计(表格式教案)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:38次 大小:21119Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课 题 Unit 3 My day 课 时 Period 3 教学 目标 一、语音能力 1.基于结构化知识,能在具体的语境中,熟练运用核心句型谈论:When do you … 以及回答I … at … What can you see over there 以及回答I can see ...进行交流。 2.能正确理解、朗读并表演cartoon time,能读懂其中的趣味之处,并思考Does Bobby eat the cake Why 并能迁移运用。 3.能理解字母 e 在单词中的发音e / i: /,并尝试朗读含有字母e的单词及一段朗朗上口的小诗能够迁移运用。 二、文化意识 1.能在教师引导下,尝试并朗读小诗的音韵节奏。 2.学生能运用句型询问他人的一天,养成良好的习惯。 三、思维品质 深刻理解文本内涵,提升学生对于生活的热爱之情。 学习能力 通过对文本的深度学习,探讨大家的日常生活,关注学生思维的连贯性与深刻性。 教学 重 难点 教学重点: 1. 发音: e , ee / i: / 2. 能朗读并表演cartoon time. 教学难点: 1. 发音: e , ee / i: / 2. 熟练运用本单元的词汇和句型描述人物的日常活动。 教学 准备 PPT,单词卡片,练习纸,英语书 教学过程设计 修改补充 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greeting and free talk: T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning. T: What day is it today When do you get up this morning ... 2. Enjoy an English song: Step 2 Revision T: What do you do in the morning When Let’s talk about. S1:I get up at six forty. … 2. T: What do you do in the afternoon In the evening Let’s talk about. 3. Let Ss finish the ticking time 1: I can talk about my day. 4. PPT呈现一些场景,让学生操练句型: When do you … I … at … ( At …, I … ) 5. Let Ss finish the ticking time 2: I can use “when” to ask about daily activities. Step 3 Presentation 1.(呈现书15页Bobby 的头像。) T: Bobby gets up at six every day. Do you know when does Bobby have dinner every day Guess. Ss: At five/six… 2.T: Yes, he has dinner at six every day. Does he have dinner at six today What happened Where is Bobby A. In the desert (在沙漠里) B. In bed. 让学生观看卡通,并完成选择。 Ss: B. 3.T: What can they see over there And does Bobby eat it at last Read the story and answer. (让学生朗读课文,整体感知课文,并回答问题。) Ss: They see a big cake over there. T: There’s a nice cake in the desert. But Bobby can not eat it. Because it’s a dream! Bobby is sleeping and he is very hungry. So he makes a dream. 4. T: Good! Well, boys and girls, let’s learn the story together. Ss: Listen and repeat.(跟着录音朗读课文,并写好朗读符号。) Ss: Read together(齐读课文) Act in two.(两人一组表演课文) 5. T: What does Bobby do after he gets up (让学生为课文添加一个结尾。) S1: He will eat a big cake. … Step 4 Presentation 1. T: Look, now Miss Li is here. She meets the boys. T: Listen to sound time, and answer: When do they meet S: At three. T: Who are the boys S: Tom, Jack and me. 2.Read and find Show the words: we, me, she meet, three, green, sleep (让学生寻找规律,培养学生的归纳能力。) The letter ”e” and ”ee” have the same pronunciation /i:/ 3.Work in groups, and find some words and write down. 4.Try to read: be, bee, sweep, feet, need, free, week, beef, sheep (出示一些单词,让学生根据发音,尝试朗读单词。) Ticking time :I know the sound of “e ... ...

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