
Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Section B (1a-1e)课件(21张PPT+3音视频) 人教新目

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:72次 大小:38917242Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section B (1a-1e) 人教版九年级(全) Learning Objectives By the end of the class, we will be able to: 1. get the specific information about Peter’s experience of breaking the school rules and the consequence; 2. talk about rules from multiple perspectives and express opinions; 3. think about the reasons behind rules and how to make rules better. Watch and Think Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. Why did the lady get a ticket Because she broke the traffic rule — she parked her car in a wrong place. 2. What do you think of the lady’s words Is it fair for her to get the ticket It’s well-known that it may cause some bad consequences if we break some rules. Look at the following situations and guess the possible consequences. run a red light cheat in an exam use a cellphone in class be late for an important exam Have you ever broken any rules Did you get any punishment Do you think it’s fair or unfair for you Do you think some rules can be changed to be better Free Talk Pre-Listening Look at the picture and guess what Peter is doing and how he feels. What about others Peter Peter is late for class. He may feel a little embarrassed and upset. The teacher seems a little angry. Other students may feel surprised. While-Listening Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. Peter 1. Who are the two speakers 2. When did the conversation happen Before or after the picture They are Peter and his father. It happened after the picture. 3. What is Peter talking about He’s explaining his late for class and the consequence to his father. Listen again. Match these sentence parts. Peter is going to ... _____ He isn’t allowed to ... _____ Peter wasn’t allowed to ... _____ He could ... _____ He should be allowed to ... _____ a. take the test. b. pass the test. c. fail a math test. d. take the test later. e. get to class late. c e a b d Then answer the following questions. 1. What did Peter think about the rule 2. What did his father mean by saying “The school has to have rules” 3. What was his father’s advice He thought the school should give him a chance to take the test later. His father thinks the rule is reasonable. Maybe Peter should learn to be responsible for his behavior. He thought Peter could talk to the teacher after school. Read the statements. Then discuss them with your group. 1. Peter should be allowed to take the test later. 2. Students need strict rules. 3. Parents should not be too strict with teenagers. A: I think Peter should... B: I don’t agree. C: I think... Group Work These questions may help you discuss. 1. Peter should be allowed to take the test later. Do you think Peter should be allowed to take the test later Why do you think he should Why do you think he should not Is it fair or unfair for the other students if he takes the test later Will more students come to class late if he gets ... ...

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