
Unit 7 It’s raining! Section A 1a-1c课件(共28张PPT) 2023-2024学年人教版英语七年级下册

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:36次 大小:34708011Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit7 It’s raining! Section A 1a~1c How's the weather sunny How's the weather rainy How's the weather windy How's the weather snowy How's the weather cloudy How's the weather It's.... Look and Say sunny cloudy snowy windy rainy Look Say How's the weather in these poems windy cloudy rainy sunny 1.北风卷地白草折,胡天八月即飞雪。 2.明月出天山,苍茫云海间。 3.空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。 4.清晨入古寺,初日照高林。 5.清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 rainy snowy 1. raining ____ 2. windy____ 3. cloudy____ 4. sunny ____ 5. snowing____ 1a Match the words with the pictures [a-e]. a b c d e a e d b c World Map 加拿大多伦多电视塔 高553.33米,现为世界上第五高的自立式建筑物。 Canada's National Tower in Toronto, Canada [t r nt ] [ b st n] Trinity Church in Boston, America 美国波士顿三一教堂 是圣公会纽约教区的一座古老的堂区教堂。 The Red Square in Moscow, Russia [ m sk ] 俄罗斯莫斯科红场 国际知名度与天安门广场齐名,当地旅游打卡必经地。 Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China 中国北京天坛公园 是明清两代皇帝“祭天”“祈谷”的场所。 the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai, China 中国上海东方明珠电视塔 是集多功能于一体的上海市标志性建筑之一。 Listen and write these city names in the boxes above. Beijing Moscow Toronto Boston Shanghai a b c d e 1b Watch the video and check the answer! Listen and write these city names in the boxes above. Beijing Moscow Toronto Boston Shanghai a b c d e Boston Shanghai Moscow Toronto 1b Peter: Hi, Aunt Sally. Aunt Sally: Hello, Peter. Peter: How’s the weather in Boston Aunt Sally: Oh, it’s_____. Peter: Hi, Uncle Bill. Uncle Bill: Hello, Peter. Peter: How’s the weather in Toronto Uncle Bill: It_____, as usual! Peter: So, how’s the weather in Beijing Julie: It’s_____. Tom: Hey, Peter. Peter: Hi, Tom. Tom: How’s the weather down there in Shanghai Peter: It’s_____. How’s the weather in Moscow Tom: It’s _____right now. cloudy snowing windy sunny is raining 1 2 3 4 Tape scripts windy sunny cloudy snowy rainy Match the places and weather. Moscow Boston Beijing Toronto Shanghai weather Pair work Imagine(想象) you are in one of the places in Guangxi. Talk about the weather with your partner. A: How’s the weather in Guilin B: It’s rainy. Group work Let's do a weather report(天气预报)! Good afternoon, everyone! Here is the weather report. It’s …in Beijing…….…. That’s all. Thank you for listening. Rules 1. Six students a group. 2. Students talk about the weather in different cities, at least 6 cities' weather. 3. One student fills in the blank and one makes a weather report. Good afternoon, everyone! I’m Lucy. I come from Group . Here is the weather report of China. How's the weather in Nanning It's rainy. I like the weather. How's the weather in Kunming It’s_____. It makes us feel happy . And it’s_____in _____. It makes us feel ____ . How's the weather in . That's all. Thanks for your listening. Have a nice day! See you next time! Pay attention to the weather changes and ca ... ...

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