
Unit 7 International charities 任务型阅读(含解析)牛津译林版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:17次 大小:148631Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 7 International charities 任务型阅读(含解析)牛津译林版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训 In the countryside, many parents have to leave home to make money and their children become left-behind children. To solve the problem, the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (中国扶贫基金会) started a program called Partner Mother Project. The program needs local (当地的) women aged 49 to 55 to be the “mothers”. The local women understand local languages and cultures, so they are the fittest (最适合) for the program. Also, the “mothers” should be full-time to make sure they won’t think about other work. The “mothers” will do parents’ job, finding out what the children need and helping them with problems. Each “mother” will take care of about 300 to 500 children. Their job is to give quick service and solve the children’s problems. The program is now going just in some villages. It will probably start in other places of the country in the future. It can be a good way to solve the left-behind children problem. 1、2题完成句子: 3-5题简略回答问题。 1.The program “Partner Mother Project” needs aged 49 to 55. 2.The “mothers” will do , finding out what the children need and helping them with problems. 3.Why do some children become left-behind children 4.What is the job of the “mothers” 5.Do you think the program “Partner Mother Project” is good or bad Why There are many libraries in Britain. Let’s learn something about them. ▲Public Libraries Most towns in Britain have a public library. A library usually has a large selection of books and other resources (资源), which library members can use and borrow without paying. The first Britain’s public library opened in Manchester in 1852. Its first librarian was a man called Edward Edwards. Edwards attended the library’s opening ceremony (仪式) and two famous writers called Charles Dickens and William Thackeray were there, too. ▲Services(服务) of Library Modern public libraries have something for everyone. Most of them have audio books, CDs, newspapers and DVDs as well as books to borrow. To join a library, go to your local library and fill in a form. You’ll receive a library card which is needed when using library services. ▲Mobile Libraries Thanks to mobile libraries, some people live far away from cities and those who have an illness can still borrow books. The libraries are special. Unlike most libraries, which store (存储) books in buildings, mobile libraries usually keep their books in a mini-bus. The back of the mini-bus has shelves for the books, and it is big enough for borrowers to step inside and look around. A driver takes the mini-bus to a certain place at a certain time, so people know when to expect (期待) it and they can give their books back to mobile libraries and borrow some more. Do you believe a school library can be as small as a bus A school in London didn’t have space for a library inside the building. However, everybody agreed that it was still important to ha ... ...

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