
2024年中考英语人教版专项复习 第十六讲 九年级 Units 1—2课件(共82张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:97次 大小:1306073Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 中考英语人教版专项复习 第十六讲 九年级 Units 1—2 目录 01. 教材知识过关 02. 重点词汇短语 03. 模拟考题 01 教材知识过关 Ⅰ.语境填词 背一背 Group 1 1.connect(v.)(使)连接,把……联系起来 2.warn(v.)警告;告诫 ★warn sb. not to do sth.告诫某人不要做某事 3.steal(v.)偷;窃取 ★steal sth. from sb.从某人处偷走某物 4.repeat(v.)重复;重做 5.secret(adj.)秘密的(n.)秘密;秘诀[2018.32] Group 2 6.attention(n.)注意,关注 ★draw/call attention to sth.使关注某事 7.knowledge(n.)知识;学问 8.increase(v.& n.)增加;增长 9.review(v.& n.)回顾;复习 10.by(prep.)通过;乘坐;在……旁边[2019.38] 练一练[从左栏中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空] Group 1 1.Kids are _____ not to swim in the river. warned 2.Follow your heart and never let anyone_____ your dream from you. steal 3.The road was built to _____ the two cities. connect 4.Would you please _____ your e-mail address I missed it just now. repeat Group 2 5.We need to _____ for the exam. review 6.They organize an activity to draw people's _____ to the harm of plastic pollution. attention 7.You can never reach your goal ____ lying on the bed daydreaming. by 8.As students, we are thirsty for _____. knowledge Ⅱ.拓展提升 背一背 Group 1 1.pronounce(v.)发音→pronunciation(n.)发音 2.patient(n.)病人(adj.)有耐心的[2016.39]→patiently(adv.)耐心地[2021.22] 3.discover(v.)发现;发觉→discoverer(n.)发现者→ discovery(n.)发现;被发现的事物 4.active(adj.)活跃的;积极的[2017.40]→actively(adv.)积极地 5.wise(adj.)明智的[2017.91]→wisely(adv.)明智地 Group 2 6.strange(adj.)奇怪的→stranger (n.)陌生人 7.able(adj.)能够→ability(n.)能力;才能[2020.37] 8.warm(adj.)温暖的→warmth (n.)温暖;暖和 9.create(v.)创造,创建→creative(adj.)有创造力的 10.express(v.)表达→expression(n.)表情;表达方式 练一练[从左栏中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空] Group 1 1.She takes an _____ part in after-school activities. active 2.To improve my grades, I need to learn how to manage my study time _____. wisely 3.Columbus(哥伦布) _____ the New World in 1492. discovered 4.Doctor Li is busy treating his _____. patient(s) 5.She practices _____ foreign words. pronouncing Group 2 6.My home is a place of _____ and love. warmth 7.Mr. Li is an excellent teacher. He has the _____ to bring out the best in us students. ability 8.Children are taught not to talk to _____. strangers 9.The _____ you wear on your face is more important than the clothes you wear on your body. expression 10.The company has _____ plenty of jobs for young people. created Ⅲ.短语填空 背一背 1.look up(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看 2.take notes做笔记 3.be born with天生具有 ★be born to do/be...天生适合做……/注定成为…… 4.depend on取决于;视……而定;依靠 5.pay attention to注意;关注 6.put on增加(体重);穿上;上演 ★put on a show上演节目 7.lay out摆开;布置 8.end up最终成为;最后处于 ★end up doing... 最终做了…… 练一练[从左栏中选择合适的短语并用 ... ...

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