
广东省深圳市2024年九年级中考提分训练 六选五 专题练习(无答案)

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:62次 大小:33988Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第1篇 A. Get moving B. Having fun with others. C. Slowly get up and stay still for a few minutes. D. You may have experienced at least one of these on certain occasions. E. in this way, you’ll gradually become less anxious. F. It helps you to feel more relaxed and even prevents you from gaining weight The Healthy 'Teenage Mind Are you nervous when you are sitting in the exam hall Do worrying thoughts keep you awake at night Are you distracted (走神) in class or when friends are talking to you 26. It is actually a sign that you are in anxiety and your brain is asking for help. There arc many ways to help ease this uncomfortable feeling, The following are four simple tips that could make a difference. Sit at your bed.Do you jump out of the bed the moment the alarm rings every morning Perhaps the next time you wake up in the morning, you can try this. 27. Let the body and mind feel the peace,and you will be refreshed. Eat mindfully In these busy days, you may feel as if eating is a chore, and simply gobble down the food (狼吞虎咽) without much thought. It seems to help you save time but might do ham to your health in the long run. So slow down when eating, and allow your tongue to taste the variety of flavors. This is called mindful eating. 28 . Do you often stay in your room, finishing up your school work or playing video games Then itis time to get out of the chair and have some fun. Playing sports such as basketball, soccer or badminton or simply cycling help reduce the body's stress and lift your mood. One task at a time Have you ever tried to talk to or text your friends while doing homework By doing so, your brain gets rather busy, which also leads to stress. To avoid it, try monotasking. This means working on one task at a time, with no interruption until it is completed. 30. 第2篇 his may seem harmless B. Spend more time on your relationships. C. You just want to take a quick look at WeChat before bed. D. Stop comparing with others is the way to accept ourselves E. Face-to-face relationships are much stronger than those online F. You’ll also be less likely to be mad about what someone posted Social media (媒体) can be fun, but if you're spending too much time on it, you may get into trouble. Here are some reasons for taking a break from endless scrolling (滚屏): You’ll get more sleep 26 Suddenly you realize you've liked and commented long past your bedtime. If you spend two hours scrolling through social media every night, that's 14 hours a week, enough for two nights’ sleep. You'll feel more confident When we post on social media, we share only the happy parts of our lives that we want others to see.27 But when we're seeing only people at their best, it's easy to feel we're falling, behind. Study found that people who used social media more often suffer from this social comparison.28 You'll argue less It's much easier to join in an argument when you hide behind a screen. But when you use social media less, you’ll have fewer chances to ... ...

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