
Module 3 Animals Unit 5 Grammar 课件(共21张PPT)牛津深圳版英语八年级下册

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:36次 大小:26925774Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Save the endangered animals Grammar Learning objectives Learning objectives 1. 理解并掌握“It is + 形容词 + for + 名词/代词 +to do”的句型。 2. 理解并掌握“It is +形容词 + of + 名词/代词 +to do”的句型。 3. 理解并掌握“形容词/副词 + enough + to do”的句型。 (1) It is important for us to protect giant pandas . 对我们来说,保护熊猫是重要的。(2) It is good for people to save endangered animals. 对人们来说,挽救濒危动物是有好处的。 (3) It is cruel of them to kill pandas.杀熊猫,他们真残忍。(4) It is kind of you to try to save the dog.试着挽救狗,你真好。(5) It’s foolish of you not to take the money. 不去拿钱,你真傻。 ①It’s + 形容词+ _____ sb. to do sth. “对于某人来说,做某事是怎么样的”(1,2句) ②It’s + 形容词+_____sb. to do sth. “某人做了某事,他/她是怎么样” (3,4句) ③否定:It’s +形容词 +for/of sb. _____ do sth.(第5句) ④it是形式主语,后面的_____(to do sth)才是真正的主语。 for of not to to do sth. It is + adj. + for / of + n. / pron. + to + v. for sb. 和 of sb. 句型的区别 先行词 无意义 逻辑上的 主谓关系 否定形式: It’s +adj. +for/of sb not to do sth. 区 别 1.It is + adj. + for +n. / pron. + to + v. 形容词:表示客观情况;表示事物的特征特点,译为 “做某事对某人而言是…的” important, necessary , impossible, meaningful, difficult , useful, easy, common,hard... 例句1:对我们来说,保护熊猫是重要的。 It is important for us to protect giant pandas. 例句2:对他来说,修好这辆车是难的。 It is hard for him to mend the car. 形容词:表示主观感情或态度;描述人物品质及性格特征,含义是 “某人做某事是…的” careless, clever, foolish, good, kind , nice, polite, selfish, silly, wrong, thoughtful, wise, generous ,rude brave, bad,... of后面的人物与形容词之间有主表关系(重要) It’s kind of you to say so. =You are kind to say so. 2. It is + adj. + of +n. / pron. + to + v. 【练一练1】用适当形式填空。 ①It is easy (difficult) _____(learn) English well. ②It is difficult _____us _____(get) high mark if we don’t work hard. ③It is important _____us _____(have) good habits. ④It is necessary ____you _____(work) hard to pass the exam. ⑤It was clever ____Ben _____(know) the answer. ⑥It was kind ____Simon _____(help) Sally with her maths studies. ⑦It was nice _____Cindy _____(invite) me to her party. for to get for for of of to have to work to know to help to learn of to invite (1) You are tall enough to reach it.你足够高去碰到它。(2) He runs quickly enough to win the first prize.他跑得足够快去获得第一名。(3) Jack has enough time to play basketball. 杰克有足够的时间来打篮球。(4) Do you have enough books to borrow 你们有足够的书来借吗? ①形容词/_____ +_____ to do sth. 足够….去做某事(1,2,句) ②_____+_____ (可数名词/不可数名词) to do sth. 足够的… 去做某事(3,4句) 副词 enough enough 可数/不可数名词 (1) 在“adj./adv. + enough + to + v.”结构中enough 为副词,修饰形容词和副词,放在形容词和副词的后面。,表示主语所指的对象有足够的能力去做某件事,该句型意为“足够……能……”。 (2) 此结构的否定形式为 ... ...

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