

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:36次 大小:5734300Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(供15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选 It was8:30 am.Traffic was at 41 flow.For ten minutes I watched an elderly lady looking 42 at the traffic,waiting to crossa four-lane road.Her wide blue eyes scanned for a 43;there was fear in them. An untidy boy of ten 44 her and said a few words.She smiled with surprise and45 her head.They were strangers to each other,but the 46 in each was obvious. The boy turned to the traffic,holding the old lady's hand,and I 47 his little smile-he was helping.The traffic48,and a gap appeared.Both said"now!"and stepped out,leading each other. The old lady glanced around,determined to49 her young charge.The boy held her hand,50 the old lady gently and safely.As they 51 mounted the sidewalk on the other side,their52 was evident. The old lady safely 53 the boy to the other side,pretending to let him help.The young boy safely got the woman across,pretending to let her help. I watched with a lump in my throat and a(n)54 in my eye,and I didn't know why this was so...for I was smiling.I was unable to describe this beautiful 55.The two turned to each other and shook hands before parting. 41.A.full B.broken C.gentle D.smooth 42.A.hopefully B.patiently C.anxiously D.casually 43.A.car B.road C.figure D.gap 44.A.ignored B.approached C.introduced D.matched 45.A.nodded B.shook C.lowered D.raised 46.A.trust B.weakness C.relationship D.embarrassment 47.A.forgot B.noted C.delayed D.accepted 48.A.sped B.flowed C.grew D.thinned 49.A.praise B.seek C.protect D.spot 50.A.pushing B.pulling C.guiding D.dragging 51.A.heavily B.finally C.suddenly D.pitifully 52.A.relief B.disappointment C.exhaustion D.kindness C.abandoned D.delivered 53.A.moved B.lifted B.expression C.tear D.stare 54.A.doubt 55.A.memory B.encounter C.route D.mistake 高三英语试题第6页(共8页)

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