
人教版八年级下册Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world?词汇学案(无答案)

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:88次 大小:3481076Byte 来源:二一课件通
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unit 7 词汇 square n. 正方形,平方 【课文原句】about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size Square kilometer _____ 平方米 _____ 其他形状 meter n. 米 【课文原句】1,025 meters deep 【翻译】100米宽 _____ 25米长_____ 8800米高_____ desert n. 沙漠 【课文原句】The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. 【短语】 desert climate 沙漠气候 desert soil 荒漠土 desert storm 沙漠风暴 population n.人口,人口数量 【课文原句】China has the biggest population in the world. It's a lot bigger than the population of the US. 【询问人口】What is the population of +城市/国家等? 其中,_____ 表示“……的人口” 修饰人口大小用large(更正式), big(更口语),small China has a large/big population. the largest/biggest population _____ 翻译:朝鲜人口很少。_____ 【同根词】popular _____ Asia n. 亚洲 【课文原句】China is almost as big as the US, and it is the biggest country in Asia. 【同根词】亚洲的 _____ 【翻译】南亚 _____ 东南亚 _____ feel free 随便(做某事) 【课文原句】Feel free to ask me anything on today's Great Wall tour 【短语】feel free to do sth. 随便/随意做某事 Eg.Here's my card. Please feel free to call me. Hey, feel free to ask a question. 【翻译】请随便到处看看_____ tour n.& v. 旅行 【课文原句】Feel free to ask me anything on today's Great Wall tour tour 指的是一个有组织的旅行,通常包括一系列的景点或地点。 The tour includes visits to famous museums and monuments. travel 指的是任何一种移动或旅行,可以是商务旅行、度假旅行、探险旅行等。 She travels extensively for her job journey 指的是从一个地点到另一个地点的旅途或者行程,强调的是整个旅途的过程。 Their journey across the desert was long and arduous(艰巨的). tourist n.游客 Eg.Thousands of tourists came to the old town. 【同根词】tourism 旅游业 wall n.墙 【课文原句】How long is the wall amazing adj. 惊人惊叹的 【课文原句】Wow, that's amazing! 【同根词】惊奇的 adj. _____ 惊奇 n. _____ ancient adj. 古代的 【课文原句】Why did the ancient emperors build the wall 【短语】in ancient times 在古代 ancient architecture 古代建筑 history of ancient china 中国古代史 ancient Greece 古希腊 古代帝王_____ protect v. 保护 【课文原句】The main reason was to protect their part of the country. 【短语】保护环境 _____ protect against 护免受……的伤害 Protect sb. from sth. 保护免受……的伤害 注:"protect against" 更强调采取措施来预防某种危害或威胁 而 "protect from" 则更强调提供保护,使某人或某物不受到已经存在的危害或威胁的影响。 It can protect people against infection(感染). The umbrella protected us from the rain. protection n.保护 【课文原句】Rules on whale protection 【短语】环境保护 environmental/environment protection 野生动物保护 _____ Wide adj. 宽的 【课文原句】As you can see, it's quite tall and wide. 【翻译】这条河很宽 _____ 这条河有50米宽_____ 【同根词】width n. _____ Long adj. 长的 length n._____ high adj. 高的 height n._____ 【注】as you (can) +V原 正如你(可以)…… Eg. As you can feel正如你能感觉到的 As you know 如你所知 As you heard 正如你听到的 as far as I know 据我所知 【课文原句】As far as I know, there are no other man-made objec ... ...

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