
外研版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Food for thought Understanding ideas A child of two cuisines 知识点学案素材

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:91次 大小:28371Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Book 2 Unit 1 Food for thought A Child of Two Cuisines 【知识点过关单】 Tai chi Kung fu Dim sum Tofu Kung Pao Chicken Mapo Tofu Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce Hot pot Zongzi Rice dumpling Sweet dumpling Spring roll Oolong tea Memory memorize Dish plate Thanks to Because of Due to On account of Dare Dare to do Many years of + n. Many years’ + n. Marry Marriage to sb Marry sb Shock Shocking Shocked Be shock at Be mad at Be angry at Chicken wings Take to Like 介词 A sort of A kind of A type of A variety of Ordinary Normal Common Special Super Supper Bean Bean curd Toast Roast duck Peking duck Sb’d better do As/since/because Suffer from Suffering Heat A heated topic Heater Inside Outside According to Courage En- Encourage Discourage Deal with Come across Stinky tofu Horrible Grey A burnt sports shoe Gather Together Gather together Gather one’s courage Bite Amaze Amazing Amazed Remind sb of sth Re- Reuse Replay Renew Reopen Remind sb that…. Blue cheese Similar Fall in love with One man’s meat is another man’s poison At home Feel at home with Cross-culture Go across=cross 【知识点清单】 Tai chi - 太极(一种中国武术和健身方式) Kung fu - 功夫(中国武术) Dim sum - 点心(一种传统的中式小吃) Tofu - 豆腐 Kung Pao Chicken - 宫保鸡丁(一种川菜) Mapo Tofu - 麻婆豆腐(一种川菜) Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce - 辣酱猪肺(一种中式菜肴) Hot pot - 火锅(一种中式烹饪方式) Zongzi - 粽子(一种用竹叶包裹糯米和其他食材制成的传统节日食品) Rice dumpling - 米糕(一种由糯米制成的食品) Sweet dumpling - 甜汤圆(一种甜食,通常与汤一起食用) Spring roll - 春卷(一种用薄饼皮包裹馅料并油炸或蒸煮的食品) Oolong tea - 乌龙茶(一种半发酵的中国茶) Memory 中文释义: 记忆,记忆力;内存 英文释义: the ability to remember information or events, or the part of a computer system that stores information 中文翻译: 记忆能力,或计算机系统中用于存储信息的部分 英文例句: My memory of that day is hazy. 中文翻译: 我对那天的记忆很模糊。 Memorize 中文释义: 记住,熟记 英文释义: learn and remember something 中文翻译: 学习并记住某事 英文例句: I need to memorize this poem for the exam. 中文翻译: 我需要熟记这首诗以应对考试。 Dish 中文释义: 盘子,碟子;菜肴,一盘菜 英文释义: a flat round container for food, or a particular type of food served on a plate 中文翻译: 装食物的扁平圆形容器,或盘子上的一种特定食物 英文例句: The restaurant served a delicious seafood dish. 中文翻译: 这家餐厅提供了一道美味的海鲜菜肴。 Plate 中文释义: 盘子,碟子;金属板,平板 英文释义: a flat round container for food, or a flat piece of metal or other material 中文翻译: 装食物的扁平圆形容器,或金属或其他材料的扁平片 英文例句: She stacked the dirty plates in the sink. 中文翻译: 她把脏盘子叠放在水槽里。 Thanks to 中文释义: 多亏,由于 英文释义: because of, or owing to 中文翻译: 因为,由于 英文例句: Thanks to your help, I finished the project on time. 中文翻译: 多亏你的帮助,我按时完成了项目。 Because of 中文释义: 由于,因为 英文释义: as a result of, or due to 中文翻译: 由于,因为 英文例句: Because of the rain, we had to cancel the pi ... ...

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