

日期:2024-06-27 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:26次 大小:3812167Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    英语参考答案 第一部分: 1-5 BCBBA 6-10 ACABA 11-15 CABCA 16-20 BCBAC 第二部分: 第一节: 21-25 BCDAB 26-30 CDABC 31-35 ADBAC 第二节: 36-40 CEDAG 第三部分: 第一节: 41-45 CADAB 46-50 DBCDB 51-55 ACACB 第二节: 56. which 57. providing 58. Plays 59. regularly 60. has reached 61. though/although/while 62. to supply 63. greener 64. was introduced 65. an 第四部分: 第一节: Can Money Really Talk In the picture, we see a man sitting on a huge bag of dollars, aspiring for a rosy future. But his confused look and frowned eyebrows show that he is puzzled about whether money can really bring him success or happiness. The image suggests that while money may not have literal voice, it certainly speaks volumes through its actions. Money can open doors, buy luxuries, and even influence people’s opinions and decisions. It has a way of “talking”through its presence and absence, shaping our world in profound ways. However, the true value of money lies not in its talking power but in how it is used. Money can be a tool for good, invested in education, health care, or social causes. It can be a bridge to connect people and ideas, a catalyst for positive change. In the end, it is not money that talks, but the values and choices of those who wield it. 第二节: With their plan in hand, Leo and Matt presented it to the school authorities. They were impressed with the students’ initiative and agreed to support their efforts. The school announced the new measures and encouraged everyone to participate. As the weeks progressed, the carpool system took shape, and more students started sharing rides. The bike racks were installed, and more students were seen cycling to school. The rewards system also proved to be a hit. Students who carpooled, cycled, or walked to school were rewarded with points that could be used for prizes, adding a fun element to the initiative and further motivating students to participate. A few months passing by, the school traffic congestion had significantly improved. The narrow streets were no longer clogged, and the air was clearer. Everyone was happier, and the school community felt more connected and environmentally responsible. They had not only solved a long-standing problem but also instilled a sense of sustainability and teamwork among their peers. Their story spread throughout the school and beyond, inspiring other students to take action and make a positive impact in their own communities. Efforts of responsibility and sustainability have finally paid off. 高三英语参考答案 第 1页(共 4页) 【参考答案解析】 21. B。细节理解题。根据 Experiences in Architecture部分中的…the two-week program promises to offer the study of the discipline at the college level…可知。 22. C。细节理解题。根据 Immersion into ASL部分中 Participants will work with advanced ASL instructors and their assistants who are similarly deaf or hard of hearing…可知。 23.D。细节理解题。根据 High School Drama Institute部分中的 Though this intensive three-week program is s ... ...

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