
Module 1 Wonders of the world 单元模拟测试卷 2023-2024学年外研版英语九年级上册(含解析)

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:65次 大小:156384Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 1 Wonders of the world 一、单项填空(共10小题,计10分) (  )1.—Gina, have you ever heard of the Giant's Causeway(巨人堤道) —Sure, it's one of the most fantastic     in the world.                     A. opinions B. wonders C. dreams D. festivals (  )2.—Don't worry! The radio says the temperature will fall     30 degrees Celsius again. —It won't be too hot. A. under B. above C. on D. below (  )3.(2022·湖北恩施州期末改编)—Ms. Chen, could you please give me some advice on learning English —First of all, I think your spoken English will never improve if you remain     in class all the time. A. silent B. patient C. active D. calm (  )4.(2023·河北石家庄市第二十七中学期中)Jenny     in the kitchen when you called her at 5 o'clock this afternoon. A. is cooking B. was cooking C. cooks D. cooked (  )5.(2023·安徽蚌埠蚌山区月考)—Hefei is such a beautiful city. How about     here for another two days —Good idea! And then we can visit some other places of interest. A. remaining B. lying C. reaching D. leaving (  )6.(2022·江苏盐城盐都区模拟改编)We need persistence (坚持) to help us     a difficult time. A. get into B. come across C. go through D. look over (  )7.(2023·重庆一中阶段考试)—Didn't you find the new movie Detective Conan exciting —I wish I did, but I     fell asleep halfway! A. nearly B. hardly C. only D. badly (  )8.(2023·河北邯郸市第二十三中学期中)Tom is very happy because he     the driving test. A. passed B. will pass C. has passed D. is passing (  )9.(2023·河北邯郸市第二十三中学期中)[课标理念|真实情境]Everything has two sides.     riding shared bikes is convenient, it also brings the problem of parking. A. If B. Because C. Unless D. Though (  )10.(2022·山东菏泽模拟改编)—I think keeping dogs will make you not feel lonely. —Not exactly.     , dogs sometimes bring you some trouble. A. Take it easy B. In my opinion C. I agree with you D. What's more 二、(2022·湖北宜昌中考改编)完形填空(共10小题,计15分)   Ever since Mother Nature gave me life, I expected to grow tall and big. As a young tree, I was well protected in the forest. I used to  11  a good time with my friends under the blue sky and along the river. Our only purpose was to stand high. My pal, Tim,often said, "All I ask for is to be  12  the whole day." More than 300 days passed and we grew straight(笔直的). Until one day, our  13  birthday, people came, moved us from the earth and put us on their trucks. "I don't want to go!" Tim cried. After a long journey, we arrived in a completely different place with  14  green. Here we were planted in a line.  15  the wind blew strongly, I could not even open my eyes to see Tim  16  beside me. So we needed enough water to grow thicker and higher to stop the wind. As time went by, we finally  17  much stronger. I could keep my eyes open in the wind! I even found the blue sky was back! This was no longer a no-man's-land, and hundreds of vi ... ...

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