
Module 1 Wonders of the world知识点讲练课件(2份ppt打包) 2023-2024学年英语外研版九年级上册

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:15次 大小:384844Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 复习所学的六种时态 时态 用法 结构 标志词 例句 一般现 在时 表示经常发 生的动作或 存在的状态 1.am/is/are+表 语 2.动词原形/动 词第三人称单 数+其他 often, always, usually, every day/week/ month, on weekends等 My mother is an English teacher. Lucy often plays tennis after school. 时态 用法 结构 标志词 例句 现在进 行时 表示现在或 现阶段正在 发生的事 am/is/are+动词 现在分词 now, at the moment等 Lingling is watching TV now. 续表 时态 用法 结构 标志词 例句 一般将 来时 表示将要发 生的事或存 在的状态 be going to/will+ 动词 原形 tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week/mon th/year, “in+时间” 等 It is going to rain soon. He’ll fly to Beijing next week. 续表 时态 用法 结构 标志词 例句 一般过 去时 表示过去发 生的动作或 存在的状 态,也可表 示过去经常 性的动作 1.was/were+表 语 2.动词的过去 式 yesterday, last week/ month/ year, in 2019, two days ago 等 Her pen was there just now. Tony came back from New York yesterday. 续表 时态 用法 结构 标志词 例句 过去进 行时 表示过去某 一时刻或某 一时段正在 进行的动作 was/were+动词 现在分词 at this/that time yesterday, those days等 I was reading a magazine at this time last night. 续表 时态 用法 结构 标志词 例句 现在完 成时 表示过去发 生的动作对 现在造成的 影响或结 果,也可表 示过去发生 的动作一直 持续到现在 has/have+动词 过去分词 already, yet, ever, never, just, before, “since+时间点”, “for+时间 段”等 They have lived in this town for three years. 续表 基础达标 一、单项选择。 1.Yesterday I _____ basketball with my classmates. We had a good time.( ) C A.will play B.play C.played 2.—What do you think of the new movie —Great! Although I _____ it twice, I want to watch it again.( ) C A.watched B.watch C.have watched 3.—Tom, have you solved the difficult maths problem —Not yet. But I’m sure I _____it in a few minutes.( ) B A.has solved B.will solve C.am solving 4.Listen! Somebody _____the piano in the music classroom.( ) C A.plays B.played C.is playing 5.I _____ to school on foot every day.( ) A A.go B.went C.am going 6.—I went to your office at 9:00 yesterday morning, but you were not in. —Sorry, I _____ with the manager in his office at that time.( ) B A.am talking B.was talking C.have talked 素养提升 二、完形填空。 Hello, everyone! Welcome to Grand Canyon National Park! The Grand Canyon is famous as a great wonder of the natural world, and it . .1. . is. Here are some tips for visiting the Grand Canyon. ● Stay on the paths. Don’t stand on the edge (边缘) of the cliff (悬崖) for a better . .2. .. We saw people doing this! Remember not to run . .3. . in dangerous areas. ● Bring enough . .4. .. The Grand Canyon has a very dry climate(气候), especially in summer. You will drink . .5. . than you can possibly imagine. ● Wear the right shoes. . .6. . you plan to walk on the Rim Trail, you’d better wear closed-toe (不露趾的) shoes. ● Weather. In July and August, storms can . .7. .. The South Rim is open all year round, and it’s col ... ...

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