
Module 8 Accidents 单元测试(含解析) 2023-2024学年外研版八年级英语上册

日期:2024-07-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:20次 大小:40395Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 8 Accidents 单元测试 2023-2024学年外研版八年级英语上册 一、阅读理解 Many people are involved (卷入) in car accidents every year in the United States. Here are things you should do if you are one of these unlucky people.   The most important thing is to stay calm (镇静). Call the police and report the accident. If you are involved in a car accident, try to get the driver’s license plate (车牌). If you’re hurt, call 911 or ask someone else to do so. If you can move, check on the other people in your car. If your car is safe to drive, pull it to the side of the road.   It is important to call the police so that the police can write a police report. Most insurance companies (保险公司) won’t pay for the accident if there isn’t a police report.   Be ready to give your right place when you call so that the police can find you easily.   While you are waiting for the police to arrive, take notes of what happened. Write down all the information about the cars or bikes. Write down the names of everyone in the accident. If possible, take pictures of the scene (现场) of the accident.   When the police arrive, tell them what happened and give them all the information you got about the driver of the other car or the rider of the bike. 1.What is the most important thing when you are in an accident A.Calling a doctor. B.Moving your car. C.Staying calm. D.Reporting the accident. 2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to A.The phone. B.The driver. C.The license plate. D.The car. 3.Why is a police report important A.Because most insurance companies won’t pay without it. B.Because you can receive more help from the police with it. C.Because you need to give more money to the police without it. D.Because you can get more money from insurance companies with it. 4.Why did the writer write the passage A.To tell us how to drive in the United States. B.To tell us what to do when an accident happens. C.To tell us why we should always drive carefully. D.To tell us about the best time to call the police. Long long ago, there was a poor man. He worked hard in the field(田地), but he could not get anything from it. One day, after working for hours, he had a rest under a tree in the middle of the field. Just then, he saw a snake(蛇) coming out of an anthill(蚁丘). The man thought that the snake might be the God of the Field. If he did not give it anything, he could not get anything from the field. At once he went to bring a bowl of milk and gave it to the snake. “God of the Field!I didn’t know that you live here. That’s why I never gave you anything. Please forgive(宽恕) me.” Then he went home. The next day, when the man came, he found a gold coin in the bowl near the anthill. From then on, each time the man gave milk to the snake, he got a gold coin. One day the man was so busy that he couldn’t send milk to the snake. So he asked his son to take care of the snake. The son brought milk to the anthill and gave it to the ... ...

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