
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. SectionA 1a-2d 课件(人教版八年级下册)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:12次 大小:9268282Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section A 1a~2d 1. To listen and learn to tell the story Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. 2. To learn to express opinions on a story. 3. To learn some new words: shoot, stone, weak, god, remind, bit, silly… 学习目标 1. once upon a time = long, long ago 从前 New words 常用于讲述故事开头的词语 e.g. Once upon a time, there lived three monks in a small temple. 从前,在一个小庙里住着三个和尚 2. shoot v. 射击;发射 过去式及过去分词形式:shot, shot e.g. He shot the bird with his gun. 他用枪打鸟。 3. stone n. 石头 He threw a stone at the dog. 他向狗掷了一块石头。 Warming up Do you know these traditional Chinese stories Yu Gong Moves a Mountain Nu Wa Repairs the Sky Journey to the West Magic Brush Ma Liang Chang’e Flies to the Moon Pan Gu Separates the Sky From the Earth 1a.Match the story titles with the pictures [a-d]. 1c.Listen and check ( ) the facts you hear. Which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about _____The two mountains were very high and big. ____ A very old man tried to move the mountains. ____ A man told Yu Gong that he could never do it. They are talking about Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. 听力原文 1b. listen and fill in the blanks. Once upon a time, there was _____ . There were _____ near his house. They were so_____ that it _____ to walk to the other side. a very old man two mountains big and high took a long way The old man told his family that they should all____ him _____ the mountains. Yu Gong said they could put it_____ because it’s _____ to hold everything. help to move into the sea big enough 2a.Listen and number the pictures [1-4] in order to tell the story. 1 2 3 4 2b.Listen again and circle the words you hear. 1. A man saw Yu Gong and his (children / family) when they were working on moving the mountains. 2. He told Yu Gong he could never do it because he was old and (poor / weak). 3. As soon as the man finished (talking / speaking), Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died. 4. Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent (two / three) gods to take the mountains away. 5. This story reminds us that you can never (know / see) what’s possible unless you try to make it happen. a very old man two mountains high and big took a long time help…to move the mountains put…into the sea kept digging saw / woking on / never do it / old and weak / finished talking / continue to move / kept on digging was moved by sent…to take…away Tell the story Listen 2d and answer the question. What were Wang Ming and Claudia talking about A . Some ways to solve problems B A silly old man C Yu Gong moves the mountains Role-play the conversation. 修路 代替;反而 同意 解决问题 努力工作 放弃 Summary build a road instead of agree with solve a problem work hard give up 提醒某人想起某事 提醒某人去做某事 有点儿;稍微 愚蠢的;不明事理的 两者都不 remind sb. of sb. / sth. remind sb. to do sth. a little bit silly ... ...

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