

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:91次 大小:233784Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 期末专项训练 专项一 词汇专训 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Which city has the l (最大的)population in China? 2. A b (十亿)is a thousand million. 3. Don’t skate on the i (冰). It’s too thin. 4. Some farmers are still working in the f (田地). 5. Lucy won first place. Are you j (开玩笑)? 6. My sister keeps two r (兔子)in our garden. argest  illion ce ield oking  abbits 二 三 一 7. The foreign visitors are learning to use c (筷子). 8. They are having an English exam now. Don’t make any n (噪音). 9. L (幸运的是), they came back home safely. 10. The soup t (尝起来)very delicious. I want some more. 11. It’s d (危险的)to swim in the river alone. hopsticks  oise uckily astes angerous 二 三 一 12. But if you never try, your life is only going to get w (更糟的). 13. Mum, I want to p (保护)you when I grow up. 14. Tony’s cousin s (展示)him her new iPad yesterday. 15. Harry Potter is studying happily at the m (魔法)school. 16. I have e (足够的)money to pay for the new phone. orse rotect howed agic  nough 二 三 一 17. Of all the students, Robert lives the c (近) to the school. 18. Do you know how to d (描述)a person in English? 19. People are very p (满意的,开心的)with the work of the government. 20. Jean a (接受)Tom’s invitation to dinner just now. losest  escribe leased ccepted 二 三 一 21. Great! It’s s (多雪的)today. We can make a snowman. 22. Do you like c (古典的)music? 23. It’s e (容易的)for him to finish the homework in an hour. 24. He always f (忘记)his parents’ advice. nowy lassical asy orgets 二 三 一 25. The p (难题)is too hard for most of us. Maybe Tony can solve it. 26. After two hours’ walk, he felt very t (累的). 27. The Beijing Opera is a kind of t (传统的)art. 28. An apple f (掉落)down from the tree and hit me. 29. In the W (西方)countries, Christmas Day is the most important day. 30. My son is too young to look after h (他自己). roblem ired raditional  ell estern imself 二 三 一 二、单项填空。 ( B )1.      we didn’t win the football match, we were satisfied with our hard work. A. If B. Although C. Since D. Because B 二 三 一 ( D )2. No one is     . The key is to learn from mistakes and never stop. A. careful B. generous C. famous D. perfect D 二 三 一 ( D )3. —I think it is a good way to study English by watching English movies. —I agree. I find it      in improving my listening. A. harmful B. thankful C. careful D. helpful D 二 三 一 ( D )4. — Listen! It’s raining      outside. —Wow, look! The yard is full of rainwater now! A. strongly B. hardly C. greatly D. heavily D 二 三 一 ( B )5. —When would you like to go fishing with me, this Friday or Saturday? —     . I am free only this Sunday. A. None B. Neither C. Either D. Both B 二 三 一 ( B )6. —      the heavy rain, we didn’t go camping last Sunday. — What a pity! A. Thanks to B. Because of C. Instead of D. As for B 二 三 一 ( C )7. A ... ...

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