

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:99次 大小:67611Byte 来源:二一课件通
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完形填空12篇 (2024·黑龙江哈尔滨·三模)I entered the cat section of the shelter, observing all the ears turning as my footsteps echoed (回响) down the hall. Then I was 1 to a cage with a large message written in red marker: “ 2 , He Bites!” The slim, brown cat was 3 in the back of the cage, but as I looked inside he opened an eye and smiled—sort of—showing two tiny white fangs (尖牙). The young cat, less than a year old, quickly 4 and came to the front of his cage, loud purring (咕噜声) coming out. I wanted to touch his long, soft fur (毛皮) but I remembered the sign and hesitated. I had never 5 a cat with a warning label before. He continued purring as I 6 stuck my index finger between the 7 and touched the soft fur behind his ear. Then he 8 . The purring stopped. I didn’t move my finger 9 he’d move faster than I could. I waited to see what he would do. One paw (爪子) was lifting slowly as if to hold my arm in place—I 10 so he could give me a good bite. I prepared myself for the 11 but then the purring began again. For half an hour I stood at his cage letting him get used to me 12 him. In the end he did not bite me, much to the shelter manager’s 13 . I took this wonderful cat home and for seventeen years he stood by my side—biting when necessary, but purring much more 14 . If I had listened to that warning and 15 him by, I’d never have known one of the best friends of my life. 1.A.drawn B.forced C.sent D.dragged 2.A.Proposal B.Warning C.Patience D.Safety 3.A.playing B.circling C.awkward D.asleep 4.A.settled down B.hid away C.got up D.took over 5.A.tracked B.hurt C.encountered D.hunted 6.A.confidently B.carefully C.rudely D.purposely 7.A.bars B.cages C.fangs D.paws 8.A.froze B.left C.protested D.relaxed 9.A.so that B.as if C.for fear D.only if 10.A.regarded B.assumed C. dreamed D.found 11.A.trap B.amazement C.relief D.pain 12.A.challenging B.petting C.cheating D.selecting 13.A.sorrow B.annoyance C.embarrassment D.surprise 14.A.often B.severely C.seldom D.lightly 15.A.dropped B.drove C.passed D.stopped (2024·河北·二模)Jeff Jens can clearly recall the first time when he realized solar power was the real deal. On a cold November morning in the 1980s, Jens 16 his hand over a vent (排气口) cover in his father-in-law’s home, where he and his wife Boisclair were visiting. Boisclair’s father had installed (安装) a solar panel system in the house, which 17 water in the bathroom. “I was 18 ,” Jens said. “I remember feeling the 19 air come out with my hand over the vent. I realized solar power is for real. And it should be with us right now.” Three decades later, climate change has become a lively 20 . “We’ve been 21 about it for a long time... We now have a strong sense of 22 and we have to do something,” Jens said. “It’s not an easy thing because there is no road map.” The couple soon had the idea to 23 Jens’ alma mater (母校), Denison University , and ... ...

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