
人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural Disasters单词课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:83次 大小:3334030Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) in the countryside 在乡村 rise-rose-risen v.升起 smelly gas 臭气 too nervous to eat 太紧张而不吃 hear-heard-heard as usual 照常 shake-shook-shaken v.摇晃 come to an end v短语 结束 one of the most deadly earthquakes 最致命的地震之一 one third of the whole nation 整个国家的1/3 two thirds of the people 2/3的人 all hospitals were gone.(=missing) 消失的 useless pieces of metal 无用的铁片 people began to wonder how long the disaster would last. v.持续 There was nothing but ruins. 只有 bury the dead 埋葬死者 medical care 医疗护理 survive v.幸存 survivor n.幸存者 revive itself 恢复 get back up on one’s feet 重新振作起来 tireless effort 不知疲倦的努力 in times of disaster 在...时候 unify v.(使)统一 recue (1) n. [U]救援,营救;[C]救援行动 The 13-year-old girl’s screams alerted a passer-by who came to her rescue. rescue workers/dogs/teams 救援人员/犬/队 (2) v. 援救;营救 Jim dived into the river to rescue a boy yesterday. He managed to rescue the little girl from the burning house. rescue... from... 从...中营救出来 come to one’s rescue 援救/营救某人 1). “Never for a second,” the boy says, “did I doubt that my father would come _____ my rescue.” 2). It took the firefighters 5 hours to rescue the boy _____the well. 3). Hundreds of miners are still in the water, waiting_____(rescue). 4). It was with the help of the local guide that the mountain climber _____(rescue). to from to be rescued was rescued ruin n. 破坏;毁坏;废墟(多用复数) Everywhere survivors looked, there was nothing but ruins. 幸存者无论朝哪里看,除了废墟什么也没有。 vt. 破坏;毁坏 The bad weather ruined our trip. 坏天气毁了我们的旅行。 in ruins 成废墟;严重受损: In less than one minute, a large city lay in ruins. ruin one’s health/fame/reputation/future/appetite damage/destory destroy damage 小结 区分damage, destroy和ruin的动词使用。 ◆ damage 的名词和动词都侧重“损”,表示可修复,常和badly、seriously等副词搭配; ◆ destroy 侧重“毁”,表示不可修复,不复存在,常和completely、entirely等副词搭配; ◆ ruin 侧重“毁坏”,使美好的事物失去用途或优良特性,尽管此物仍然存在。 头发经常烫、染,容易损伤(damage)头发,需要做护理修复。烫坏、烫焦,头发就毁(destroy)了 ,只能剪掉。做个美美的发型出门,遇到大雨,头发还在,但发型被毁(ruin)了。 选词填空(damage/destory/ruin) 1). You have _____ my bike; you’d better get it repaired. 2). My car was _____ in an accident, so I have to buy a new one. 3). To our disappointment, the bad weather _____ our trip. 4). The accident caused some _____ to my car, but it’s nothing serious. damaged destroyed ruined damage The number of people who were killed or badly injured in the quake (be) more than 400,000. A number of people (has applied/have applied) for the job. the number of un/cn ...的数量,谓语用单数 a number of cn 许多的...,谓语用复数 survive vt. 幸存;艰难度过 vi.生存;存活 survive sth 从……中幸存下来 She's feeding the baby who survived the earthquake. 她正在喂养地震中幸存的婴儿。 Many ... ...

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