

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:73次 大小:15118054Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2023一2024学年高三考前模拟考试 英语·答案 听力原文 Text 1 M:Shall I call a taxi W:The bookstore is only about 10 minutes'walk. Text 2 W:Shogun Restaurant. M:Hi,I would like to make a dinner reservation. W:Of course,when will you be joining us M:We will need the reservation for Tuesday night. Text 3 W:My brother joined the army last year. M:Oh,what does he look like Is he tall W:He's tall and strong. Text 4 W:Would you like to take this suit,sir M:Well,I like the color and the material.The size is all right,too. W:Yes,it fits you perfectly. M:But I'm afraid the price is a little more than I can afford.Perhaps I can look at something else. Text 5 W:The new computer software is driving me crazy! M:I know what you mean,Carol.I've had nothing but trouble with it.They said it was supposed to be easy! W:That's what I heard.But as far as I'm concerned,only a genius can figure it out.I really need a break! Text 6 W:We will say hello to the New Year in a couple of hours! M:Yeah.Have you made any good resolutions for the coming year W:No,I haven't yet.How about you M:I want to be healthier,so I think I should exercise more. W:That will be a lot of work! M:Yeah.And I will make more friends,as you did last year. W:Anything else M:Maybe I should try to study my mathematics harder!Our teacher has talked to me several times. W:Sounds great!I should make my own resolutions as soon as possible. Text 7 M:Oh,no.It seems that I've lost something important. W:What's it M:The ticket.

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