

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:41次 大小:1132659Byte 来源:二一课件通
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professional women writers.This leads to well-rounded training and sets WriteGirl apart from other organizations. A typical exercise at WriteGirl is mic and rant,a 30-second session before writing for each girl.As a vehicle for teens to get their ideas out,it empowers girls to explore anything meaningful to them."Not the flowery language,or rather,complicated expressions that sound skillful,but more of the natural,this is what I'm thinking and what I'm feeling."Taylor said. Sansa's mentor Danyella Wilder is attracted by the long-term nature of mentoring at WriteGirl.Wilder wishes she had a program like this herself when she was 15."To just have an organization where people are spending their time just to tell you,'Hey,good job,'or That was amazing.'You're at the age where you need to hear that." 24.Why did Sansa join WriteGirl A.To gain a sense of belonging. B.To overcome her writing block. C.To release negative emotions. D.To become a professional writer. 25.What makes WriteGirl different from other organizations A.It aims to produce professional writers. B.It turns teen girls into mentors. C.It exposes girls to varied writing styles. D.It ensures girls'entry to college. 26.What does the"mic and rant"exercise in paragraph 4 refer to A.A daily writing task. B.A recitation of poetry C.A session for idea generation. D.A skillful expression activity 27.What does Danyella Wilder imply in the last paragraph A.Mentoring is a time-consuming process. B.Positive feedback is crucial for teen girls. C.Criticism at a young age can be harmful. D.Mentorship should be based on friendship. C It is William Shakespeare,the great coiner,who is given credit for the word.Coriolanus,one of his characters, compares going into exile()to a "lonely dragon"retiring to his cave.He was talking about a physical state: someone who was lonely was simply alone.Then,thanks to the Romantic poets,the word took on emotional meanings.Loneliness became a condition of the soul.For William Wordsworth,who famously "wandered lonely as a cloud",the natural world offered an escape from negative feelings of loneliness-a host of flowers could provide "cheerful company".Today,loneliness is often seen as a serious public-health problem,creating the feeling of disconnection. In his book Solitude,Netta Weinstein,a psychology professor wonders the rewards of time spent alone.He begins with an account of stories of solitude created by figures such as Michel Montaigne,a writer,and Edward Hopper,a ta then draw on laboratory work,interviews and surveys to clarify how being alone really affects the human mind. It is common to treat loneliness and solitude as synonyms(),but they are not.The author suggests that what is negatively described as one state can be positively expressed as the other.Loneliness,often perceived as

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