

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:53次 大小:782779Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 动作描写之脚部动作 PART 01 Warm-up Do you like running or jogging Why Free talk A drunkard who was staggering after drinking, stepped carefully on the bottle with his left foot and fell over. Then he got up, slowly and painstakingly, kicked the bottle toward the wildcat. The wildcat saw the bottle and swiftly avoided it. The Lost World Read and find descriptions of foot movement dance on tiptoe elegant and beautiful What expressions related to foot can you think of Think and share PART 02 Words and Phrases Brainstorm words about foot limp hop kick tip toe flexible sole gentle swiftly 动词 关联词汇 firmly lightly 名词 形容词 副词 ... ... immobile Brainstorm phrases about foot 单脚 slip/steal into miss one’s footing stand on tiptoe/stand on the tips of one’s toes hop along ... 走 必备词块 双脚 stamp one’s foot in anger plant one’s feet stagger along drag one’s feet tiptoe out of ... PART 03 Exercise Consolidation Complete the following sentences 1. 爸爸把我抱出房间时,我又踢又叫。 I was _____ and screaming as my dad carried me out of the room. 2. 在激烈的搏斗中他的左腿受了伤,而后人们看到他单脚跳着离开了。 After his left leg was hurt in the fierce struggle, he was seen _____ away. 3. 他脚步踉跄,好像喝醉了一样。 He was _____ as if he were drunk. kicking hopping staggering along 4. 尽管Jack很冷,但他还是拖着脚步在雪地里走。 As cold as Jack was, he still _____ through the snow. 5. 他踮起脚爬上了床,很快就睡着了。 He _____ and climbed onto the bed, and quickly fell asleep. 6. 他们踮着脚走出房间,尽量不吵醒小女孩。 They _____ the room, trying not to wake the little girl. dragged his feet Complete the following sentences tiptoed out of stood on tiptoe 7. 小女孩踮起脚尖看舞台上的舞蹈表演。 The little girl _____ to see the dance on the stage. 8. 我踮起脚尖往窗外看。 _____, I looked out of the window. 9. 她因踩空而腿关节脱臼了。 She had her leg dislocated as a result of _____. 10. 让我震惊的是他当着所有人的面气得直跺脚。 What shocked me was that he _____ in front of everyone. stood on tiptoe Complete the following sentences Standing on the tips of my toes missing her footing stamped his foot in anger 11. 男孩不停地换脚站着,不安地看着校长。 The boy kept _____, looking uneasily at the principal. 12. 尽管她很害怕,但是她仍然稳稳地站在熊面前。 Though frightened, she _____ firmly in front of the bear. shifting from one foot to the other Complete the following sentences planted her feet Translate the following sentences 1. 我在街上摇摇晃晃地走着,试图找到回家的路。 2. 她不情愿地拖着脚步跟在父母后面。 I was staggering along the street, trying to find my way back home. She dragged her feet unwillingly as she followed her parents. 3. 为了不打断讲座,她偷偷地溜到教室后面的座位上。(运用现在分词作状语) 4. 听到这个振奋人心的消息,她跳了起来。(运用现在分词状语) Translate the following sentences Not wishing to interrupt the lecture, she slipped into her seat at the back of the room. Hearing the ex ... ...

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