
2024年高考英语(七选五)模拟真题 (浙江专用)(含答案解析)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:20次 大小:74365Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年高考英语(七选五)模拟真题 (浙江专用) (23-24高三下·浙江·阶段练习)We all do procrastination (拖延). No matter how well-organized you are, chances are that you have found yourself wasting hours on small pursuits when you should have been spending that time on school-related projects. 1 However, do they really work Knee-jerk reaction and recommendations to procrastination can focus on making lists, downloading apps, setting timers, etc. If simply making a list could solve the problem of procrastination, then there wouldn’t be so many articles on it or conversations about it with doctors. 2 When we look at a task, such as doing homework or preparing a presentation, we do an internal assessment. 3 If not, our brain center responds by telling our body to avoid the situation causing us anxiety. In this way, procrastination will provide us with a circle-stressful task, perceived threat, but once the task is finished, you will feel better. This is a short-term solution in fact. Then, ultimately we want to finish a work and feel good, what can we do 4 That’s because we live in a busy world where tasks will roll your way. Be aware that you are procrastinating and don’t pile up the act of procrastination with the act of self-deception (欺骗). Know yourself and your moods. Scheduling tasks during times of high energy will help us be most productive and lessen the opportunity for procrastination. 5 If you are motivated by funny stickers on your papers, then you should pair the rewarding activity with the task you have been procrastinating. A.Learn from negative thoughts. B.What’s more, reward yourself after the task. C.It means a mismanagement of your emotions. D.Procrastination frequently happens in daily life. E.Therefore, we need to figure out its internal roots. F.If the task is easy to handle, we can do it as soon as possible. G.Fortunately, you will find many ways to deal with procrastination online. (2024·浙江·二模)Very often, we take a picture on our smartphones and then immediately check the screen to see how it came out. 6 We’ve gathered our best tips to ensure you know how to look good in pictures. Know your angles. Knowing your angles is the first step to taking a great picture. Maybe you like one side of your face better than the other. Maybe you’re completely symmetrical and can take a photo from the front. 7 So snap some selfies and start to get acquainted with your best angle. Doing so will have you feeling confident and looking your best in your next shot. Make sure the light is behind the camera. Great lighting makes a great photo. The key is to make sure you’re in front of the light, and that the light is behind the camera. So, if you’re outside, make sure the sun is behind the camera. 8 Take multiples. 9 Take different photos of the same shot, so you have options when choosing which photo to keep. You’ll be surprised how often your facial expression changes in the same shot. Invest in a good quality camera. Whi ... ...

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